Showing posts with label Josie says. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Josie says. Show all posts


Josie says

"Sweetie sweetie sweetie. Why'd you take this off." to Grammy, who had just moved one of the pieces of a 500 piece puzzle. She was really into it for at least a solid minute though.

"Sorry, Audrey, for hurting you in the cheerios on your chair!" while stealing cheerios from her high chair tray. At least she apologized after...?

I have an aunt named Lynne that we see often when we go to the lake. She's pretty fun and Josie obviously agrees. The other day, I asked Josie who she loved. She started out with "I loooove...mama!" Typical answer. I mean, she has to say that, right? So I asked her again. This time, she said, "I looooove...Rahrah!" Okay, she loves her aunt Lara. Not surprising as we had just seen her a day or two before. I asked again, who do you love? Her third answer was, "I love Lynne!" No hesitation. It was fact. Above her grandparents, her sister, even her daddy.

Today, I asked her what her bear's name is. She carries this little beanie baby around all the time so it means a lot to her. First she said "bear!" But I kept prompting her to name it. The name I got was "Clynne!" So now she is trying to mask her love for aunt Lynne by adding a K sound to the front? You ain't fooling anybody, child!

This captures her spirit perfectly

Her favorite shoes. No matter what she's wearing.

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Josie says

And the role call begins. While looking at a sheet of paper, "Name? Momma Deyle (pronounced Dye-lee). Name? Audrey Deyle. Name? Momma Grace (her middle name, not mine). Name? Josie Deyle." It goes on and on and Audrey patiently sits on with big eyes and a belly laugh now and then (who knows what is so funny but it's contagious).

My dad decided to take out our recyclables (thank you, Dad) and asked Josie if she wanted to help him find the recyclables in the garage or stay here for just a moment. She replied, "I want to go and look for the moment." I wonder if she found it?

Josie's shoe slipped off on her heel one day as she was playing. When she asked me to help her, she said, "You will help me sweetie!" How kind of her to sweeten up her demands with a pet name for me.

Josie loooves to have her toenails painted. She will point at my toes and then point to hers and ask me to "paint her tonytails."

Josie and I are standing by the window, watching daddy get out of his truck and make his way inside. I tell Josie to say hi to him and she quietly says, "hi daddy." I tell her to say it louder so she says it at the same volume but an octave higher. I tell her again to say it louder, and this time she goes so high that my ears can barely hear it and the second half of daddy falls back down to normal speaking volumes except now its ridiculously loud. Of course the whole time, she's jumping and laughing and saying "Audrey's standing, Audrey's at the window, hi daddy, Audrey, daddy!"

You will hear this around our house often:
Josie: "I want cheese!" (or anything else, cheese is the most common though)
Josie: "I want cheese!"
Josie: "I wanna ask nicely!"
Me: "Ok... go ahead"
Josie: "Please??" (sickeningly sweet smile to go with it)Me: "May I..."
Josie: "May I have cheese pleeeease?"

I can't get enough of that girl. "I want to ask nicely!" Seriously!!

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Josie says and 7/7

Around here, I like to record things my two year old says once in a while just so I don't forget. I call this little series "Josie says." (Clever, right?)

One night, I made Josie wait over 45 minutes to eat supper because I couldn't get it together enough to have it done right the second she was hungry. After twenty minutes of whining, she finally settled in at the table to watch the madness that was her mother in the kitchen. By the time the food was in front of her, she could hardly contain herself. I must have been feeling extra obnoxious, because I kept asking her questions like "What book should we read? Do you want to read about Tarzan? Are we going to read a story before bed? Should we read it now?" My response from the two year old: "No. I don't want to read a story. I just want to eat my food." She's two. How can she form not one but two complete sentences while also putting her mother in her place? 

Josie to Audrey: "hi little audwey! Hi little peanut! Lets play, peanut!" she calls her peanut all the time now. Its her favorite term of endearment. She's also called her "sweetie pie" and "cute little baby".

She sings in the car. All.the.time. Her favorites:

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, the babies on the bus go round and round..." You get the idea. There are a lot of things going round and round. But the kicker: sing the song - there are three round and rounds and she only ever ever sings two. I guess she has her own rhythm.

"Bah bah black sheep have you any wool, yes sir yes sir three bags full. One for the master and one for daddy and one for lame."

And lastly, a "Josie does" more than a "Josie says" - When we get out of the car these days, I often lean back and unbuckle Josie so that she can get out on the same side as I get Audrey out. This new freedom is pretty fantastic to the girl because she gets to gleefully jump down and race all over the car pushing buttons, sitting on the front chairs, and avoiding me. One day, after we had been gone for two hours or so, we came back to the vehicle to go home (right before nap time so you can imagine the shape we were in) only to discover the emergency lights on. I spent the next ten minutes trying to figure out how to get them off, since pushing the button with the big red triangle was clearly not working. Some how or other, Josie outsmarted me because she managed to get them on without me noticing and we almost ended up with a dead battery and a confused mother. It took me almost the entire time I was messing with the buttons inside to figure out that Josie had turned them on. Not me. Seriously... good trick, kiddo. Please don't do it again! 


I'm getting my inspiration to post every day from Jennifer over at Conversion Diary.There are a bunch of other bloggers linking up so feel free to read those too!

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Josie says

We asked what her baby's name is. She said "Ida." Wherever did she hear that name??

Her morning routine often involves holding her baby while looking out the patio door at the school across the street. This morning, I heard her say repeatedly, like over 50 times, "You're such a big girl, you're such a big girl!" Apparently I say that often to baby Audrey. Also, she just put her baby in time out, all the time shaking her head with a stern expression on her face. Josie is only in time out like twice a month! Thankfully she isn't putting her baby in time out all the time. That would make a mama have to rethink things.

To her Pappa, while standing near the fire pit: "Pappa make the dirt hot?"

While Pappa was in the hospital after surgery, we had a few meals with him to keep him company and get out of the house. The next day, after Grammy had left go see him (which Josie knew she was doing), she asked, "Eat lunch in the little room?" I'm thankful her impressions of the hospital are one of "going back while enjoying a good meal" instead of being afraid.

Pappa: "Josie? Did you go on the tractor today?
Josie: "I did."
Pappa: "What did you see?"
Josie: "La-la-la loons!"
Pappa: "What else did you see?"
Josie: "......... I see cows!!" (her favorite. ever.)

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Josie Says

While preparing lunch, I overheard Josie's conversation to Audrey who was in the ExerSaucer. "Hi Audrey! See this? Do you see it? ABCs? Do you see this? Hi Audrey! Hiiii Auuuudrey! ABCDEFG! Want to color?"

I love her attempts to include Audrey in her big girl fun. 

Today, as she did the daily introductions, she started using our last name. "Josie Deyle (Die-dee)? Audrey Deyle! Mama Deyle? Daddy Deyle! Josie's shirt?" ... wha...?! so silly.

While reading a picture book to her:

Me: What's that? 
Josie: Strawberry Josie!
Me: What's that?
Josie: Carrot Josie.
Me: What's that?
Josie: Josie's egg!
Me: What's that?
Josie: ........Mama's...
Me: Is that bread? (a loaf, hard to tell)Josie: Josie's bread!

Everything, and I mean everything is Josie's these days. Even the pictures in the book. Unless she doesn't know what it is. Then mama can have it.

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Josie says

Oh boy. 

Josie went up to him* and leaned in to give him a kiss. While she leaned back she said "Lufs soo too" with a huge smile on her face. Thankfully, her aim is less than accurate and the "kiss" landed more in the air to the right than on his face. 

He just looked at her like...what are you doing? I'm glad he doesn't appreciate that kind of attention quite yet because this mama isn't ready for that!

*him-our foster son who's name need not be mentioned

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Josie says with a little bit of Josie does

Today my 21 month old decided that she was too big for plain cheerios. She took it upon herself to add her milk to the cheerios that were no longer in her bowl but were instead in her kitchen pot, the perfect size for a toddler's breakfast. She then proceeded to eat the cereal "like a big girl" and didn't even make a mess. When did she learn to do this? Grammy's. It must be at Grammy's. 

There are still toddler antics involved. She decided to "have tea" with her cereal, and chose to use the teapot's lid as an alternative to her spoon. I'm still impressed.

You will hear her say "hey dad" as casual as a teenager in passing at all times of the day. "Hey mom" is thrown in too, but that one isn't quite as teen-like. I don't know who told her that it was okay to refer to us as "mom and dad". I like the childish "mommy and daddy" but I guess she's too old for that.

Hubby's newest story: At night, right before turning out the lights but after reading a story, he prays a prayer with Josie with his hands folded and eyes closed. He's not delusional - he knows she doesn't have her eyes closed most of the time, but lately she's taken to grabbing him by the beard and pulling his face right up to hers before saying "I'm talkin' to you!" right in the middle of it. Needless to say, he has to hold back his laughter each and every time. And yes, it's happened more than once. 

She's also done this to me, but instead of grabbing my nonexistant beard, she puts both hands on my cheeks and pulls me in close. 

After church on Sunday, we were all piled in the car (including aunt Lara in the middle between the girls), and suddenly Josie started to softly sing the ABCs. She got all the way to LMNOP perfectly and then continued to loop that part over and over. We just looked at each other surprised - who knew she knew that much of it? She said each letter clear as day. She also knows the ending - "now I know my ABCs..." so we just have one small part left to learn.

She's full of surprises.

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Josie says

Conversation from this morning (to herself in the mirror).

Where horsey go? Be riiight back, mirror. Horsey!!, oh crackers!

The best part of this little conversation was when she went to look for the horse. As she was running to find it and saying "be right back" she realized that she didn't tell the mirror where she was going,so she quickly spun around and yelled "mirror!" before continuing on. 

She cracks me up, have I mentioned this before?

Just making sure she still fits. She got in here all on her own!

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Josie says

As we have discussed before, Josie is growing quite fond of her sister. If AJ is crying, Josie will look at me, with her most concerned facial expression, and ask, "her cryin'?" Crying is said like this: CurEYEin? She used to say it like "cwyin" back in December so it's fun to see how she is continually learning how to mimic what she hears.

She also says "What happened?" with the same super sweet but concerned facial expression. I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing because she gets so over the top concerned.

The phrase we mimic the most is: "S'in there?" She often drops the first part of the phrase (the whole phrase is probably more than she could comprehend) so a couple of months ago she just started to add an "s" to the beginning of words to represent an entire phrase. That morphed into adding more words but keeping that "s". What's in there became "s'in there?" with a heavy "r" sound.

When Josie decides that I should be done using my computer, she comes up and says "shut the door" while she closes the screen. It sounds like "shut thee doh!" I try not to laugh because she shouldn't be slamming it shut, but it is pretty cute. So many times, I have to hold back a smile when what she's doing is appropriate or something I want to encourage. But her innocence just makes it cuter!

Girl likes her puzzles and can be heard asking to "puzzle gether" at all times of the day. I guess she's heard me say "let's put this puzzle together" a time or two before!

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Josie says

Josie was standing at the top of the stairs wanting to go down because "horsies" and "hat" were down there. I told her I didn't want her going down there and that we'd just play upstairs, and she put her little pointer finger up and said (very sternly) "right back!" before turning around and crawling down the first couple of steps. I guess she showed me!

We were at a birthday party this weekend, and Josie had a lot of sugar. A LOT. She was talking a mile a minute and was cracking us up over and over again. One of the things she kept saying is "you hear it? you hear it?"  She was hearing a "car" (not sure where it was since nobody else could hear it) and she said it with such concern!

She also said with a squeal "We're swimmin'!" when her auntie was in the pool with her, every time she got my attention (and her auntie's and probably anyone else that would listen).

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Josie says

Her famous interjections (the utterance of a word or phrase expressive of emotion; the uttering of an exclamation):

"Oh my goodness!" (She says it slow but with great excitement every.single.time.)

"Oh Gosh..." (Plenty of emphasis on the shhhhh)

"All right." (She only says this when she really wants to do something and doesn't want to wait for my permission. So, in a sense, she is giving herself permission. It's so funny but I can never laugh when she says it...)


"Wooooow" (She says this every time she sees something new. It doesn't actually have to be impressive, but you'd never guess that it isn't by the way she says it. There always seems to be a bit of wonder to her voice too. I should try to get it on video.)

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Josie says

I saw that title on another blog and I'm stealing it. Deal with it. It's a good one. It may or may not be the start of a new series around here.


Josie says (all the time): "Audrey Joy!" whenever she thinks of her sister, hears her sister crying, hears her sister chattering, sees her across the room... you get the idea. It's so cute. The best part is that it sounds more like "Audwey Choy". He toddler lisp cracks me up. I have no idea where she got the idea to say her full name like that, because I don't feel like we called her by both her first and middle name until after Josie started to. Either way, it's sticking and I hear all of us calling her that more often now. 

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