
Josie says and 7/7

Around here, I like to record things my two year old says once in a while just so I don't forget. I call this little series "Josie says." (Clever, right?)

One night, I made Josie wait over 45 minutes to eat supper because I couldn't get it together enough to have it done right the second she was hungry. After twenty minutes of whining, she finally settled in at the table to watch the madness that was her mother in the kitchen. By the time the food was in front of her, she could hardly contain herself. I must have been feeling extra obnoxious, because I kept asking her questions like "What book should we read? Do you want to read about Tarzan? Are we going to read a story before bed? Should we read it now?" My response from the two year old: "No. I don't want to read a story. I just want to eat my food." She's two. How can she form not one but two complete sentences while also putting her mother in her place? 

Josie to Audrey: "hi little audwey! Hi little peanut! Lets play, peanut!" she calls her peanut all the time now. Its her favorite term of endearment. She's also called her "sweetie pie" and "cute little baby".

She sings in the car. All.the.time. Her favorites:

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, the babies on the bus go round and round..." You get the idea. There are a lot of things going round and round. But the kicker: sing the song - there are three round and rounds and she only ever ever sings two. I guess she has her own rhythm.

"Bah bah black sheep have you any wool, yes sir yes sir three bags full. One for the master and one for daddy and one for lame."

And lastly, a "Josie does" more than a "Josie says" - When we get out of the car these days, I often lean back and unbuckle Josie so that she can get out on the same side as I get Audrey out. This new freedom is pretty fantastic to the girl because she gets to gleefully jump down and race all over the car pushing buttons, sitting on the front chairs, and avoiding me. One day, after we had been gone for two hours or so, we came back to the vehicle to go home (right before nap time so you can imagine the shape we were in) only to discover the emergency lights on. I spent the next ten minutes trying to figure out how to get them off, since pushing the button with the big red triangle was clearly not working. Some how or other, Josie outsmarted me because she managed to get them on without me noticing and we almost ended up with a dead battery and a confused mother. It took me almost the entire time I was messing with the buttons inside to figure out that Josie had turned them on. Not me. Seriously... good trick, kiddo. Please don't do it again! 


I'm getting my inspiration to post every day from Jennifer over at Conversion Diary.There are a bunch of other bloggers linking up so feel free to read those too!

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