

I've been tired of a few things here on Blogger. Two stand out. One, I cannot unfollow blogs if I "subscribe" to them through Google Reader. No, pushing the "unsubscribe" button does not work. It will disappear while I'm on the screen, but if I refresh or come back to it later, the unwanted blog is still there. SO FUN to keep viewing blogs that I'm not interested in.

Two, I cannot stand how the comments work! There isn't a great option for someone who does not have an account somewhere (looking at you, mom) so "anonymous" is it. Except when I respond, the anonymous comment-er will not see it unless he or she comes back to check in. I bet that never happens. Just a feeling. I wouldn't do it, if I was the anonymous comment-er! But this problem? I fixed it!

I switched to using Disqus for comments. So. much. better. Now I can email back because each person has to put in an email (that only I can see). So feel free to ask questions because I can't respond now! Plus, you can like or dislike the page (hopefully not too many dislikes... might just break my little old heart). So far, better. Much better... So who else uses Disqus? What are your likes and dislikes?


  1. Hey Sarah,
    I found the link to your blog on another blog but anyways looks like things are going awesome for you! Congrats on the marriage and the baby :)
    just reading your blog and I wanted to suggest a book you might find helpful, "Made to Crave" bY Lysa Tykerst....it is an awesome book (well I am only 1/2 through but anyways awesome so far). Talks about how we are made to Crave God....talks about finding a purpose worth changing diets/exercise for....so anyways I just wanted to share that!

  2. Meghan Gibson1/30/2012

    I have been wondering about the comment thing also. Being new to the blog world, there is a lot I still have to learn so hopefully everyone I encounter has some patience with me and do not think I am ignoring them. 
    Have you received the "Replies" I left on my blog to you? I tried to reply as email but I do not believe it worked so I used the "Reply" button on the comment section. Let me know so if I am doing it wrong, I can figure it out! Thank you!

  3. Welcome! We're happy to help if you have any questions, so feel free to reach out to me directly. Remember you can mention any Disqus/Twitter user and they'll get a notification by email or Twitter. Start by typing "@" :-)

  4. Disqus is neat. I do think that this is the best comment system . More power to Disqus community!
