
Josie says

As we have discussed before, Josie is growing quite fond of her sister. If AJ is crying, Josie will look at me, with her most concerned facial expression, and ask, "her cryin'?" Crying is said like this: CurEYEin? She used to say it like "cwyin" back in December so it's fun to see how she is continually learning how to mimic what she hears.

She also says "What happened?" with the same super sweet but concerned facial expression. I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing because she gets so over the top concerned.

The phrase we mimic the most is: "S'in there?" She often drops the first part of the phrase (the whole phrase is probably more than she could comprehend) so a couple of months ago she just started to add an "s" to the beginning of words to represent an entire phrase. That morphed into adding more words but keeping that "s". What's in there became "s'in there?" with a heavy "r" sound.

When Josie decides that I should be done using my computer, she comes up and says "shut the door" while she closes the screen. It sounds like "shut thee doh!" I try not to laugh because she shouldn't be slamming it shut, but it is pretty cute. So many times, I have to hold back a smile when what she's doing is appropriate or something I want to encourage. But her innocence just makes it cuter!

Girl likes her puzzles and can be heard asking to "puzzle gether" at all times of the day. I guess she's heard me say "let's put this puzzle together" a time or two before!

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1 comment:

  1. So cute! You need to record her little voice. Avery says "What happee? for what happened. Whenever we turn the TV off, she says "What happe?" and puts up her hands. It is really cute. It is so cool to see them learn all these new words and phrases. (did I tell you this before? I am having deja vu. So sorry if I am repeating myself!)
