
Midweek Confessions

Oh boy...

I still haven't gotten the pictures up that I was too lazy to work with on Monday. Yep. LAZY.

I have a valid excuse though! I have been reading "Catching Fire" which is the second Hunger Games book and it has sucked.me.in. I'm 3/4 done with it and cannot wait to curl up with it tonight while Mike watches (boring) tv.

I was banking on a snow day today so much so that I literally did not do certain things subconsciously because I thought I would have time to do them today. Of course, the snow was not working in my favor and to work I went (with wet hair and just enough diapers to get Josie through daycare but probably not enough for tonight). I guess you just can't wish things to happen like that.

I am supposed to be training for a 10K but can only do 2 miles right now. That's like not even 1/3 of it. I cannot get myself to run for more than a mile on a treadmill so I have been telling myself that I am working on my speed. For one mile, which only takes me about 10 minutes. That's not a real workout, but don't tell me that at 5:45 AM! And it's snowing, which just brings on the despair as I wait for nice outdoor running weather.

I haven't meal planned this week at all because Mike was gone for one day and I switched that to all week in my head when I was grocery shopping. Therefore we will be creative. Makes a girl nervous though. You may be wondering what I eat when Mike is gone? I have Smart Ones practically screaming my name in the freezer downstairs. I keep buying more even though I never eat the previous purchased meals so it's becoming quite the stock pile.

Linking up! Read the other confessions too. They make the day better.


  1. Great post... I know EXACTLY how that goes with a snow day.  Those are always the WORST days at work!  Also, I just noticed your resolutions on the sidebar.  I love them.  I could really adapt all three of those!

  2. We did have a snow day today, and I was not prepared for it and felt so out of sorts and like I was missing too much work. Unfun.

  3. See if we could only have reversed our situations... we would have both been happy!

  4. Oooh thanks for reminding me to DO those resolutions!

  5. Heather2/29/2012

    I am dying to start reading The Hunger game books! My friend is going to loan me one on my ipad through Nook the week I'm on spring break, I can't wait!

  6. I tried to get it (the third book) through the Nook app on my tablet and it didn't work. Hope you have better luck!
