
Midweek Confessions

My favorite post of the week:

1. I'm fairly certain I'm going to gain weight this week and it is the first week of the weight loss challenge I'm in. Who does that?

2. I've been listening to the same album on repeat all day/week because I'm too lazy to add more options to my tablet. I'm not even sick of it yet so there ya go. She and Him is the best band and never gets old. But let's not push it. Don't you think at some point I'll get a teeny tiny bit sick of the same 12 or so songs?

3. I still have not been running, and I plan on doing a 10K in May. Have to have to have to have to start. I just have this stupid irrational fear about starting again.

4. I ate "out" three times yesterday. Yes, for every single meal. One meal was ordered in for lunch, one was left overs from the night before, and one was more food ordered in at a work meeting at night. Why am I gaining weight again?

5. I've been incredibly lazy all week. Laundry is piling up, dishes are in the sink (grossest thing to me) and the floors are screaming to be vacuumed. I actually hear them (the floors, that is) at work while I plan what I am not going to do when I get home.

6. I never go to cemeteries. How's that for random? I know that people get closure from visiting graves but I know that there is nothing there but a body. The people I love were not loved because of their bodies, so without the souls I just don't get anything out of it. I do however like to walk through them because they are beautiful, but this has to happen in the daylight. Very important that this only happens in the daylight.


  1. I've been listening to the same Mumford and Sons CD for the past two weeks, every day during my 45 min-1 hour commute to work, and then again from work.
    Plus, who could ever get sick of She & Him?? :)

  2. I've never done well in weight loss challenges. It's strange because I'm really competitive, too. So don't feel alone!

    1. Isn't it sad that I am hoping that I just maintained and didn't gain? The challenge hasn't worked AT ALL. I need to start over mentally....again....

  3. Anonymous1/18/2012

    You're probably overwhelmed with the house cuz you were gone all weekend and couldn't catch up. . .it's a tough conflict. As for the running - there's lots of ways to be healthy with OUT running and you can focus on that. BTW we have the name of the gravestone at Phelps that is our relative. Guess it was near the road, even if we looked there.

  4. You totally just made me feel better about myself. Weight loss challenges (thumbs down!). Laundry, dishes, cleaning (BIG thumbs down!).

  5. TOtally could have written this post myself... DITTO. Here's to dirty dishes and eating out. Being a working mommy is HARD enough work without ANYTHING else.

    Confession: I'm playing the comparison game right now because Josie is crawling and Sam isn't. I'm crazy. :)

    1. For funny!! I think it's crazy how close in age our kiddos are. But don't you worry. She seemed like she wanted to crawl for a month or so now and didn't so I was all worried (crazy new mom syndrome)... each kid is SO different right?? So easy to compare... :)

  6. This week, I have been snowed in an doing nothing, which means I have no energy to make ANY food to eat. No breakfast because I have been sleeping in, sugar-free hot cocoa and air popped popcorn for lunch, and then something small for dinner that I can throw together with the hubby gets home from work... yet I have gained a pound. Really?

    1. Sounds like the perfect nonplanned menu to me! Too bad it somehow didn't work. Maybe you were just having a fluid day? I like to blame it on that sometimes... oh dangit, I drank too much water. Except I know that isn't really the reason it happens. Oh to be ignorant again.
