Showing posts with label Josie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Josie. Show all posts


Birthday - The people

I have a ridiculous amount of pictures from this party so I figured it'd be easier to post them in sections instead of photo bombing in one long post. This post is dedicated to the people. Thank you everyone who came! It was so fun and perfect, just what I was hoping and dreaming for.

Family shot

Grammy and Boppa Lekang (my parents)

Birthday girl with Auntie Lara

Another shot at the family photo. They are never quite perfect...

Hubby's cousin Heath and his wife Missy

Bean bag toss in the back - Jerri and Henry (Michael) who also are Jo's godparents

Other team - my sister and dad

Godparents Jerri and Henry with the birthday girl

Group shot at the start of the party before everyone got here

Grammy getting in some special J time while she sat still for longer than a minute (books always help)

Boppa with J playing in the sun

Opening presents

Group shot at the end. Love all of these people!

One last attempt at a family shot

Our friends Mark and Allison got her this scooter and Mark even set it up for her. SHE LOVED IT!

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Birthday Behind the Scenes

I was so all over the place planning this party. On one hand I didn't want to get caught up spending all of my time planning and decorating for a birthday party, setting the bar so high only to fall later on with other birthdays. On the other hand, this is her first birthday and I want it to be special. I tried to keep the crazy ideas to a minimum, but they still took over. 

This lovely wall of yarn and photos was super last minute. As in done within the last hour before the guests arrived. I had the photos printed and the clothespins out but no idea what I was going to do with them. I remembered this yarn from a project I did last year, and my sister came over early to help out. We felt pretty good when we saw the finished project.

My sister also decided she wanted to make the birthday banner. My "rules" were that it couldn't be age specific and couldn't say her name in it, so that we can use it again for future birthdays and different people's parties. She did fantastic! It was big, colorful, generic enough to reuse, and original. Can't wait to see it become a tradition for future birthday parties.

These streamers were a bit huge pain. I drew four different sized circles on five different colors of stock paper, and cut each one by hand. It took so long. My hands hurt, it ended up taking numerous days/nights, and I couldn't get them as perfect as I wanted. No project I do ever is easy but I did love the way they turned out. I had originally wanted to buy a circle cutter type thing but they were ridiculously expensive. $20 for one size? Yeah right. I like options... like four or five sizes. I would have paid $20 for one that had adjustable sizes. I did fold them up nicely to be used again, which makes me feel better about all the time I spent doing it.

The tablecloth idea came from google searching and just added a bit of pizzazz to an otherwise boring corner. 

I had great plans to make potato salad from scratch but then saw the deli clearance section had a big container of it for only $5. That was cheaper than the potatoes alone. I also got one of coleslaw for variety. Both hubby and I didn't feel like we had enough food, even though we did have left overs. Usually we have so much left over so we were trying to cut it a little closer. Oh well, I don't think anybody left hungry.

Okay so here is the part that makes me cringe but also smile huge. I really wanted to try working with fondant topping for cupcakes, but had no idea how to do it. My friend/cousin-in-law's wife Missy has done it enough to be an "expert" to me, so she came over to help. When she got there around noon, she found me just about having a meltdown because the cupcakes I had made had completely failed. I am not the worst baker out there, so I was caught completely off guard when they over flowed but didn't cook or stay raised. What did I do wrong?? 

Missy convinced me just take a break from baking and make more later after we made the fondant, and that is exactly what I did. They turned out perfect and it was a super easy recipe compared to the original recipe I had tried. Stick to the simple things. That's what I've learned. 

The fondant took quite a while since each piece needed so much attention and focus, but it was worth it! They were so perfect for my baby girl. The fondant is marshmallow and powdered sugar, so it didn't taste too bad either. 

Lastly, my sister said we needed to have a game to play to pass the time. She suggested bean bag toss, so she got to work with a friend of hers to make the boards with the hole in it, and I made the eight bean bags. That took some time too, but once I got going it wasn't too bad. I took a video of the "action" in the back to show them off, so feel free to watch it or just start it to see what they look like. 

It was the best idea. They drew people outside so we weren't all crowded in the house, and we got to enjoy the nice afternoon while moving around a bit before we crammed back in for cupcakes and presents. It broke up the party just perfectly. Thank you sister.

I'll post about the rest of the party later, but I wanted to get this post done first so I don't forget the detail and time that went into it. When you read this later, Josie, please know that it was worth it, but no party of yours will probably be this perfect. ;)

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Birthday Girl

Happy birthday to my favorite girl in the world!

As cliche as it is, I cannot believe that just one year ago she joined us in this world with her squishy face and adorable little feet. Love you baby girl! Always will.

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Almost 1 going on 21

What was I thinking?? Today I decided to get as much of Josie's hair in a pony as I could. The results made my heart want to cry. Not so much tears of sadness, but I was just caught off guard by how old she looked.

Hair before we clipped the bangs back:

Clip in place

I can just see her now waving good bye as she heads off to college...

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10 Months

Miss Josie is 10 months old this month! And as usual, I am two weeks behind.

Not a lot has changed from last month. She has increased her walking speed and capabilities and no longer likes to crawl unless absolutely necessary. She's not a terror (yet) and really it just makes her more fun since she delights in a lot more (hey - she's higher up now! She can see way more).

Sleeping has been hit or miss. She sleeps pretty good through the night but still wakes up every other night and sometimes more than once in a night. Nap times are usually amazing and she is always so refreshed and happy afterward. I have learned to let her hang out for a bit after she wakes up because sometimes she falls back asleep and she usually is generally happier if given time to wake up on her own without me invading with my over the top enthusiasm that she is up. It's exciting, what can I say?

She's still eating great although she has also made it clear what she doesn't like! It's always random, and I have a feeling it isn't that she doesn't like the food, but that she is bored or not hungry. I can't even think off the top of my head what she doesn't like, so it usually doesn't happen more than once with the same food.

She's playful and smart. She already enjoys "helping me" and loves when I share something with her. She's also been a little more clingy which really surprises me. She's always been so independent so I wonder if she will pass through this as a phase or if it will become stronger as she spends more time with me one on one.

As always, she's a complete delight and each month is better than the last!

**Notice that there is only three pictures. That is all it took to get a good one! I couldn't believe it since usually I have to wrestle her to the ground with the help of another adult sized person. I guess doing it right she wakes up makes all the difference!**

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Big steps

Our girl took her first real walking steps today (written on Monday  night). I picked her up from Grandma's since Mike wasn't going to be done with work before me, and she was holding on to the railing by the stairs. I knelt down and did the typical "come here, Josie!" that you do when you want her to walk and she turned and teetered towards me with the biggest grin and laugh coming from those sweet little lips! We were all so excited and she could feel it and knew she was doing something big. She made it the whole 5 feet or so without falling and even had the dog walk by her without throwing her off balance. 

I'm so glad that auntie Elizabeth was there to witness that scene. She walked a couple of steps towards Daddy at home but she was tired and wasn't up to it as much. I love that she can tell what we want her to do and just gets the biggest kick out of it.

Seriously, I've said it before and I'll keep on saying it. This age is so fun.

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Stylish chica

Grab a tissue, another monumental moment has happened with this growing-too-fast baby girl. She got her first haircut today!

Is there anything cuter than a baby bob? She looks so young yet so grown up. We are very happy! I brought her my friend who cuts my hair as well and she did an amazing job. Josie didn't cry at all (even though we are battling those evil teeth) and Heather (hair stylist extraordinaire) was patient and spot on. She didn't miss a single spot even with Josie moving all around! I couldn't get pictures of the process since she was sitting in my lap reading me her favorite book, but trust me. She did great. :) Mom on the other hand, kind of a hot mess right about now.

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New Pianist in the house

Introducing the next (female) Mozart.

She's hard core.



I'm not kidding when I tell you this girl is crazy busy. She just goes around in circles all over the room leaving a path of destruction behind her that keeps growing and growing. I try to jump in to distract her or lessen the damage, but it's to no avail. She is determined and persistent. It's hilarious.

What's that? Do something with that in-her-eyes hairstyle? I'm trying, I'm trying...!

I loooove the squishy face smile.

She often turns off the TV which I should probably take to mean we don't really need it on. She's so smart.

Can we just talk about how this is my favorite outfit that she owns right now? I'm a fan of the long shirts with leggings, and it works for her too. There's no belly showing (for her either heh heh) and it's easy to crawl around since there is no knee exposed or uncomfortable waisband.

With all body parts covered but still the high end fashion look, who isn't impressed?

BTW - J is officially eight months old! I'll have her photo and update post ready sometime this weekend.