
Big steps

Our girl took her first real walking steps today (written on Monday  night). I picked her up from Grandma's since Mike wasn't going to be done with work before me, and she was holding on to the railing by the stairs. I knelt down and did the typical "come here, Josie!" that you do when you want her to walk and she turned and teetered towards me with the biggest grin and laugh coming from those sweet little lips! We were all so excited and she could feel it and knew she was doing something big. She made it the whole 5 feet or so without falling and even had the dog walk by her without throwing her off balance. 

I'm so glad that auntie Elizabeth was there to witness that scene. She walked a couple of steps towards Daddy at home but she was tired and wasn't up to it as much. I love that she can tell what we want her to do and just gets the biggest kick out of it.

Seriously, I've said it before and I'll keep on saying it. This age is so fun.

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  1. so exciting - can't wait to see for myself

  2. Heather4/25/2012

    Walking is such an exciting milestone! Lilah didn't walk until 21 months old and it was soooo exciting once she finally did it. Don't you just love seeing it in their reaction in their face?! Yay

  3. Oh I do! I didn't think it was possible for her to be more excited than us when she started but she was - and still is every day. She's even tried running a bit now. She'll be full of bumps and bruises for while!

  4. Stephanie4/25/2012

    Awesome! Honestly, I think the ages of 9-18 months are so much fun! Their personality changes and develops daily and it is so neat to see!

  5. Paul Lekang4/29/2012

    Did ya lose your CAMERA girl??  :-)  I miss seein' the little one!!  WAAAAAA! 
    Love, Dad (Grampa)
