
Stylish chica

Grab a tissue, another monumental moment has happened with this growing-too-fast baby girl. She got her first haircut today!

Is there anything cuter than a baby bob? She looks so young yet so grown up. We are very happy! I brought her my friend who cuts my hair as well and she did an amazing job. Josie didn't cry at all (even though we are battling those evil teeth) and Heather (hair stylist extraordinaire) was patient and spot on. She didn't miss a single spot even with Josie moving all around! I couldn't get pictures of the process since she was sitting in my lap reading me her favorite book, but trust me. She did great. :) Mom on the other hand, kind of a hot mess right about now.

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  1. Emily B4/03/2012

    She's so cute! Love the baby-bob!

  2. The photos make me want to tuck my fingers under her hairline at the nape of her neck, irresitable. . .and I love your headings

  3. what a chic little bob!!! love it!! my nephew had his curls, ringlets really, cut off and i got tears in my eyes just reading it on facebook. i was sad all day!

  4. Oh i love the baby ringlets!! So precious. :)

  5. Thanks!! She can really pull it off.

  6. Meghan Gibson4/12/2012

    Oh so cute! Love it! 
