
Audrey Joy, 8 months old and 5/7

Audrey Joy turned eight months old on July 18th. Not much has changed this month, so I"ll just cover the main things.

This baby girl is so happy almost all of the time. She's playing hardcore now, rolling and wiggling her way around the room like a champ, and she is still fascinated with all things Josie.

Audrey's finally outgrown her 3-6 months clothing, but for whatever reason I was not prepared for this and had to run out and get a couple more summery outfits. We have enough to get us through the summer but then who knows how fast she'll go through this stage! She's almost to the point of slowing down with the growth but she's always keeping me on my toes. With her so close to crawling, she might lose her plumpness and confuse me once again.

Speaking of her plumpness, she loves food. Loves loves loves everything, except avocados. Isn't that funny? It's such a plain food, you'd think she wouldn't care. But she does! She out eats Josie at most meals but just when you think she doesn't have a limit, she refuses to take another bite. It's humorous, to say the least.

Sleep is going great, no new teeth, hair is pretty much the same, and she's still happy as a clam in her car seat. I also let her sit in the carts sans car seat and of course she loves that. Her balance is a little off sometimes but she has improved a ton with that in just a few weeks. She also loves to stand and her "tell" when she's tired is that she will squirm all over and want to go from standing to sitting to snuggling to being on the floor to being picked up over and over. She doesn't get grumpy, doesn't always rub her eyes or tug her ears or scream out, so if you don't know that the wiggling is her big clue, you'd think she never gets tired.

Everyone loves her eyes. It's funny how many people point them out, and I do love them but don't notice it like other people do. She also does this cute little thing where she lightly does a popping sound with her mouth ("puh puh puh puh puh") when she's happy or excited. She's just figuring out how to wave (I didn't expect that so soon!) and loves to feel faces with her bear paw little hands.

I love this age! I've had numerous moments of "my baby is growing up way too fast" this month and have had to squeeze her tight to not get too anxious. Thankfully, she's still pretty cuddly and doesn't mind her crazy mama. I can't imagine our lives without her.


I'm getting my inspiration to post every day from Jennifer over at Conversion Diary.There are a bunch of other bloggers linking up so feel free to read those too!

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