
the Avett Brothers concert and 6/7

A couple of weeks ago, my sister and I went to see the Avett Brothers perform. It was a huge deal that they were actually playing in our city since they had never been here before in the last 12 years that they've been a band and it is unlikely they will come back again now that they are getting better known. 

I "prepped" for this concert a ton by listening to them pretty much nonstop (it really wasn't hard, I just kept buying their CDs and they were so.good.). My hubby was more than a little sick of them but I don't care. I love their music and because I force them to listen, the girls seem to enjoy them as well.

So what do I want to remember about this concert?

1. I"m not too old to go to a concert. Even though I felt ancient because I never leave my house let alone go to night clubs/bars, I was not even close to the oldest there. 

2. They were better live than I ever could have hoped for or imagined. They have energy like no other and are entertaining to watch. 

3. Southern accents with that hint of twang is adorable. They could say just about anything and it'd come across as charming. 

4. Seth, the younger, taller, skinnier, seemingly more immature brother really grew on me. He's hyper and dances around a ton and definitely plays up that southern charm.

5. But Scott is still my favorite. Even though he cut off all his long hair.

6. My sister was the perfect person to go to the concert with. She also listened to them a ton (I kind of forced her to) so she knew the same songs I did and genuinely seemed to enjoy the concert. Even if she didn't, she hid it enough to allow me to. :) Thanks sister!

7. The non brothers of the group are also super charming. Bass player Bob just gets in the groove and seems so relaxed and cellist Joe goes into his own world but can rock out like no other. And he's Asian, which makes you look twice while he plays along like it's nobody's business to the blue grass songs. 

8. I was impressed with their set list. Every time they started a song, I thought to myself "oh man, this is a great choice." Fast song, blue grass song, slow song, mid tempo song, some light talking, jam sessions. You get the idea, it was just a great mix. I knew about 80% of the songs which was perfect because it made me want to go buy the rest of the albums and learn the few I didn't know while still being able to hear the songs I've grown to love in the last couple of months.

9. I somehow need to listen to more lesser known bands so that I can discover other gems like that before they are in year twelve of being a band. I kind of feel like I'm not a true fan because I didn't hear of them or love them until this far into their careers, but to be fair how can you love a band if you've never heard them?

10. I don't have time, energy, or money to go to a ton of shows, but when my favorite band comes to town, it's worth it. I'm so glad I went. But now I want to see them again. 

Any recommendations for other bands or artists I can obsess over listen to? I'm picky and don't like a specific genre, but I'd love suggestions. It's a bad habit of mine to choose a band to love, learn a lot about them, memorize every song, and then not like any other bands in that genre. It's about the musicians and their music more so than the exact style they play. 

Here are the pictures - boring for those of you who don't know the band, but definitely something I'll love to look back on someday.

Pre concert, no sweat, smiling with excitement faces


I'm getting my inspiration to post every day from Jennifer over at Conversion Diary.There are a bunch of other bloggers linking up so feel free to read those too!

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