
10 for the weekend

1. I've been feeling a bit more on my game lately. Just a little bit. I have a little more motivation, a little more pep in my step, a little more energy. It's been working in my favor. I have no idea where it came from, but it feels as though my pregnancy-haze-exhaustion has lifted and I feel myself again. It couldn't come at a better time, as the long winter months seem to be lasting forever and my mood had been going down hill.

2. I've finally seen some progress with our time outs that I've been doing when Josie misbehaves. It's so hard as a first time parent to figure out how to discipline a child. I've heard all these different approaches, opinions (some very strong), and methods. It seems that you have to be either on one side or the other, and my question is why can't there be a middle ground? Why do we as parents have to be against each other? Different ways work for different kids. Knowing this, I have had to experiment to see what is most effective for Josie. After months of doing time outs, I think this is the one. Today, while she was screaming and throwing a full on tantrum in her time out spot, I let go to see if she'd stay (something she hasn't had the chance to do before because she usually bolts). She did! She scooted over a foot or so to get away from me, and then just sat there crying. After a while, I asked her why she was in time out. She usually doesn't answer me so I end up explaining what she did, why it is wrong, and how to do the right thing. This time, she said right away "chair" meaning that she stood on the chair when she wasn't supposed to. She knew! She got it! So we talked a little more about it, and when I said "I love you" she immediately  jumped in my arms for a hug and kiss. I was so proud of her. I always try to end time outs with an affirmation that I still love her just not that behavior, and she understood. I'm so thankful that it's paid off because holding a screaming toddler in one spot for five minutes is no fun task. I've been trying to teach her what "obey" and "disobey" means because I know that understanding that concept will help so much with God's plan and understanding what sin is. She does seem to be getting it more and more.

3. We don't have much planned for this weekend other than a fun birthday party that was rescheduled due to the weather. The birthday boy just turned one and has never been in a pool (oh, did I mention it's a pool party?) and Josie hasn't been in one since last summer, so it should be interesting to see the reactions. I'm not too worried about her though, she's up for anything most of the time. 

4. I went to Walmart yesterday because Katie @ For Lauren and Lauren had mentioned that there were skinny jeggings for $10 each in a multitude of colors. I figured it was worth at least looking at. I'm not usually a fan of jeggings, but I like the off colored ones, like black, gray, green, etc. I just really don't like the denim colored imitators. Anyway, we got there, found them, and I found not one, not two, but three pairs that fit decent. Miracle, I tell you. As we were leaving the clothing department (that I have never ever given a second glance at in the past), we found the actual jeggings that she had been talking about. I guess I had bought real jeans (extra stretchy) and they were $11 instead of $10. I was willing to pay the extra dollar for them. What a win for me! I don't feel like I can wear regular shirts with jeggings, but I can with skinny jeans so my closet feels like it has tripled in size and options now that I have a few more skinny  jeans to wear with my boots. I love surprise shopping trips like this!

5. I brought AJ to the chiropractor on Wednesday. She has not been herself lately, although I'm not sure what I'm basing that on since she was a happy smiley (sleepy) baby for one month, and now has been a fussy, always-needs-to-be-held, not-so-smiley baby her second month of life. In particular, I noticed that when I laid her down on her back, no matter where it was, she screamed ridiculously loud and instantly. It didn't seem right to me and I know a few people that have brought their babies in to the chiropractor, so we tried it. There was an immediate difference. She was like a different baby and has been ever since. She smiles, laughs, "plays" independently while laying on the floor (which she's never done without fussing the whole time), sleeps even better (never been an issue but I love that it's even easier). I cannot even believe it. I am so thankful that we were able to get in right away and that the results were so obvious. 

6. AJ stands for Audrey Joy, in case you are wondering. I'm too lazy to type out Audrey every time and I kind of like that both my girls have a  tomboy nickname to go with their girly personalities. 

7. I haven't been to the gym since Monday which means I'm going to have to go come rain or shine (or night or day) both days this weekend. And then again on this coming Monday. Ugh. I do like to work out, it's just hard to find time and I haven't been able to pull myself out of bed in the early mornings. Well actually, AJ has been up ready to eat right when I would be leaving. No, no, don't think that's my excuse. I'm fully aware that I could just feed her twenty minutes earlier than I was planning on getting up and could still get out the door and back before hubby has to go to work, but that idea is quite daunting at 5:30 AM. Maybe someday I'll have that kind of will power. In the meantime, 8:30 PM is much more manageable. I get to leave the house after being cooped up all day with two energetic littles and can sleep in to the normal time in the morning. Thank you God that hubby does bed time. It makes it a lot easier to slip out the door and not feel like I am missing something because all I do when not going to the gym is catch up on emails, blogs, and tv. Not exactly productive. 

8. I made a large breakfast of waffles and deer sausage this morning since my parents were here. Then my sister came over with Caribou Coffee (my absolute favorite, today she got me a skinny turtle mocha). It was a fabulous breakfast, but now I'm thinking I'm done eating for the day... ask me again at noon how I'm feeling!

9. For Valentine's Day, hubby had his parents watch the girls and we headed to Texas Roadhouse for some steaks. He was feeling them something fierce and I wasn't about to object. The wait time was 75-90 minutes, which we fully expected, so we sat down and enjoyed the time with just the two of us to talk, laugh, and just enjoy each other without the kids for a few hours. I was completely shocked by how negative everyone was around us about the wait time. It was Valentine's Day, what did they expect? We ended up being quite entertained by our neighbors in the waiting area. People watching is so fascinating. We also ended up eating way too much food and bringing home enough for two full meals later. I'm still feeling full now, come to think of it. (So seriously, need to be done with large meals - that's two in three days.)

10. I have so many books I want to read and have no time to read them. I'm reading Anna Karenina right now and while I know I'll be glad I read it once I've finished, I am having a hard time getting through it. I love Russian culture and am fascinated with their customs and traditions, but it is still a hard read. I need to just do it though, because my list of books to read has grown exponentially since I started it and they won't read themselves! This entire paragraph screams nerd alert, doesn't it? I'm fine with that.

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  1. Anonymous2/16/2013

    Fun weekend update :) Are u still doing that food lifestyle u talked about awhile ago?? Just curious how it went or what u liked/didn't like about. Also, not that u have to take my advice since I have no kids but I love nanny shows and they usually have the kid on timeout for one minute per year of age...once they are calm or stay in the same spot. That's gotta be hard to do timeouts but so happy she's understanding and hopefully it doesn't last as long in the future :) Miss u guys!

  2. Anonymous2/16/2013

    PS I just read that I didn't mean to criticize ur timeouts...I was just trying to give a suggestion of not having to hold her in one spot for long. Either way it sounds like u r doing an amazing job of raising wonderful girls!!! :)
