
Puddle Sleeping Antics

We had an alley behind our house growing up. It had the typical dips and sways that old roads have so water collected all along it when it rained or when snow melted. Particularly, at the end of the alley, it was more like a pond than a puddle. 

Me being the older (4 years) and more mature sister, I was often left "in charge" of my sister even though it wasn't expressed out loud that it was my job. One particular rainy day, we were playing with our neighbor friends that just so happened to live right by that pond-like section of the alley. I so wish that I remembered the circumstances more, but my sister had the brilliant idea to lay down in the puddle like she was taking a bath. I knew with all of my heart that she shouldn't do it, I mean I was smart! I was all of eight years old and laying down in puddles was not cool. I couldn't persuade her to get up, so I went home. I know I didn't try all that hard to get her out of the situation, but still. It's not my fault! I'm still a little bitter to this day.

See, once I got home, things took a turn for the worse for this girl. That's not true. Once my sister got home, that's when things really got ugly. She was soaking wet with muddy puddle water, yet I was given the death glare. How could I let her do this? It was all my fault, obviously. I vividly remember that she was not disciplined for it. She was probably given a lollipop or sticker or something for remembering to come back home. (Ok, ok, it wasn't quite that bad)

I'm sure the punishment was appropriate and obviously not worth remembering, but when I remember this particular incident, my heart pounds a little harder for my poor eight year old self who got in trouble for her mischievous sister's muddy antics.

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1 comment:

  1. absolutely do not remember, cannot believe you were held responsibile and hope it was your overactive conscience:(   
