
Nose dive

Last week as I was waking up, I heard a huge thump followed by a pause and then a loud scream. I ran to Josie's room to see what had happened although I kind of already had my suspicions. You see, not too long ago I walked in to find Josie hanging halfway out of her crib. I grabbed her just in time and she never had a clue that she was about to fall. I've been paranoid ever since, and just had a feeling that she would eventually fall out for real. Unfortunately, that did happen, and she hit her nose on the way. 

I was terrified that she had broken it but thankfully it just appeared to be a surface wound. Now we're struggling with the toddler bed that was in the room at the time but not being used. 

The problem is that this girl is not quite ready for a big girl bed. She rolls everywhere and falls out all the time. Thankfully it is only about a foot from the floor and it jars her awake without causing any injury. So what do we do now? Do we try to cage her in so she can't fall out in her sleep? I'm not worried about her getting up when she's awake. She's fine with that, but when she is sleeping it's a free for all with limbs everywhere.

Last night, I checked on her before we went to bed and she was sleeping on the floor. Just laying there, sound asleep. I picked her up and put her back in bed, but I know she fell out/got out numerous times and didn't sleep that great when she really was sleeping. 

Naptimes? That's another story. The girl knows that it's not bedtime. She knows the difference. At this point, the only way I can be sure she sleeps at all is if I stay in her room until she is completely asleep. I'm not ok with this! What happens when Baby #2 is here? I cannot just hang out with her for a half hour before every single nap. I'm really at a loss here. Any ideas? 

When I leave, she screams, gets up, and cries by the door. I've tried to wait it out but she gets hysterical and doesn't return to bed. It's a vicious cycle of this with me putting her back to bed over and over again until I just sit on the floor with her until she's asleep. I don't want to put her back in her crib now that we've put in the time to switch beds either. I could use some help or suggestions...

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  1. poor momma and poor jojo, you know I lost this battle - with Lara, is there any you could go back to the crib and if she falls out have the mattress from toddler bed right there?  We know this girl needs her naps.  You definitely need some suggestions.

  2. Kim Baker9/06/2012

    OUCH poor baby! Hope her nose is feeling better!
