
Baby #2 Update

How far along: 31 weeks

How big is baby: Pineapple, Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb

Weight gain/loss: I gained about 2 more lbs since my last appointment putting me right at 25 lbs for total weight gain.

Maternity clothes: Most definitely!

Stretch marks: No new ones.

Sleep: When I'm in my bed at home, I sleep pretty great, just waking up to go to the bathroom once. When I'm not at home? MISERABLE. I love my king size bed! My hubby would agree.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: I've been loving cereal this week and I can't get enough for whatever reason. I'm also loving ice water.

Exercise: Doing my Pilates stretches and chasing after Josie all.the.time.

Gender: Girl!

Movement: There has been an explosion of movement this week. There are parts of the day where she's so active I have to stop what I am doing and reposition, just to avoid the discomfort from her legs in my ribs or stomach or liver. I'm thinking that soon I will be able see her foot and grab it once in a while too. I love that part.

The belly: Getting BIG.

What I'm loving: I can start to picture how different life will be as the weeks go by and am starting to get my mind ready to unpack all the baby stuff. It seems overwhelming, but I'm also excited to do it.

What I miss: Caffeine, not being super full after eating a normal amount, moving around without pain

Symptoms: This week I really started feeling the underbelly muscle pain. Those stretches I've been doing are so very important now more than ever.

The nursery: Nothing's changed, but I will need to make it more baby friendly and not just Josie friendly soon.

What's different/the same this time: She's in a different position for sure. Thankfully she hasn't stretched out from bladder to ribs like Josie did but there is still plenty of time for that.

Best moment of the week: 

Last appointment details: I decided to go with a midwife for delivery and I will meet her on Oct 5th. I'm nervous about it, but excited too. My chiropractor said that once she drops down, the pressure on my back will be relieved and I shouldn't have so much back pain. Can't wait for that!

Next appointment: Two weeks from yesterday, last one with my OBGYN before starting with the midwife!

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  1. at a beautiful baby bump!

  2. Phyllis Borud9/09/2012

    Hi Sarah and Mike so glad everything is going well ...   take good care...   love Curt and Phyllis

  3. Priscilla9/10/2012

    Love your blog.  Wish I had thought to do something like this when I had my KIDS!!
    Anything new you would like to have for this one??
