
Funny Girl

A few of the funny things that Josie is doing right now that I *really* don't want to forget:

1. Sometimes when she was fussing or crying in the past, I would fake laugh to show her that whining wasn't necessary or to distract her. She picked that up, and fake laughs at me all the time now. Most of the time, it makes me and everyone else around us laugh too, so we get the real laugh out of her shortly after. It really is hilarious. It sounds like she's half coughing half laughing.

2. Some of the words she's been saying come from nowhere. For example, we were at the cornfield with my mom and while she was picking corn, we were just playing in the dirt and grass. Josie looked up and said "trckta" and when I looked in the same direction, there was a tractor. How does she know what that is?? I checked with her other grandparents and they really haven't been teaching it to her either. She's good too, because she noticed one in a book a couple of days later. The other word that she threw out there yesterday was "water" when in the bath. I never say it, I always just say "bath" but she figured it out!

3. I've been working on getting her to communicate "more" if she wants more, and it is the funniest cutest thing. She focuses really hard and starts with the mmm sound so it sounds like "mmmmmmmoo?" I added the question mark because she always says it with a question since that is the way I say it to her when I am asking her to say it. She doesn't say it every time, but she has definitely figured out what it means! Next up, I would love it if she learned "please".

4. She's determined to walk down steps like a big girl but her tiny legs just can't stretch that far, so she now knows that if she just waits a second for me to come and help her, I'll hold her hand and she can basically fall down each step without actually falling over. She stands at the top and just grins at me with her hands up in anticipation. Then once we've reached the bottom, she looks at me like "yeah I did that!" and proudly walks ahead of me to wherever we are going. I'm thankful that she is learning to follow my direction and walk on her own, but she's not even 14 months yet! I don't need her to be such a big girl so soon...

5. She has two bottom teeth and two top teeth, and she's figured out how to use them to the max by nibbling on foods instead of gumming it up. I no longer have to break up her bread or crackers. Now I just hand it to her and she nibbles away. She also grins with a huge toothy smile at me afterwards because she knows its a "big girl" thing. She likes to "eat" apples and corn on the cob because she can nibble until her heart's content. The combo of her eating these huge foods and grinning with all her teeth showing really will melt a heart.

That's all I can think of for now. Hope you smiled at least once!

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