
The Park

The temps cooled down this last week and I really wanted to go outside and do something to enjoy it. I haven't been able to spend much time outside because the heat and my preggo self don't get along, so it was the perfect chance to get out of the house.

We went to the park and just hung out with Cassie and her boy Weston again. They are fun on these playdates! 

This time around Josie was a lot more into the equipment. Last time, she played with the mulch. This time, she took full advantage of the steps and slides and almost gave her mama a heart attack numerous times. She has no lack of enthusiasm or spirit when it comes to new things!

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1 comment:

  1. oh, so fun, so adorable, so brave, what a little go getter, can't wait to experience the park with her.. .and wonder what she will do with our swing set
