
Bragging about Jo...indulge me

Jo Jo Bean, as my family so affectionately calls her, has been rocking my socks the last couple of weeks. She is so silly, so smiley, and so cuddly. Remember when she wasn't like that at all? Now that she has more independence, she isn't fighting for it so much. It's fun to watch her play by herself, but then seek me out to play with me or just check in.

She lets me kiss her right on the face and sometimes leans in to "kiss" me back. She runs as fast as she can and jumps on me to get bear hugs and sometimes just sits on my lap to chill for a couple of seconds. Only seconds, mind you, but they are the best seconds of the day.

Her toothy grin looks even cuter now that her two top teeth or showing more and more. Her hair is almost long enough to tuck behind her ear. She's learning to run.

There is just so much going on with this girl. Little things that most people don't care about, but that fascinate me to no end. Her dad, too, is completely fascinated with everything she does.

It's fun to watch her interact with her new baby cousin, and this last weekend she was able to interact with her old second cousins (almost two and four years old). She still charms all of the adults and even when it's way past her bedtime, she manages to win over any crowd.

 It's a great thing, to be the mom of this girl, and I pray that I can do it the way God wants me to, that I don't hold her back with all of what God has planned for her. She's the best (moms have to think it, but I would anyways!)

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  1. We agree that she is the best, even if we are biased.  There's a ton of new pix of her on FB, hope you can transfer some to this blog. . .didn't have the heart to erase any of them, even if some are kind of the same.  Really, she is perfect:)
    love, grammy

  2. Teacherpollock7/25/2012

    she is precious! and those eyes? amazing! :)
