
Nothing like a little motivation

Drinking my homemade iced coffee after a mad dash around the house making it mostly presentable, I thought I'd just take a second to sit down, watch Live with Kelly (no surprise there, eh?), and reconnect with  this little blog.

There's nothing like company coming to motivate us into the "clean, organize, rearrange entire house" mode. I knew all week that I had a bunch of ideas and things I just needed to do this week, but really didn't do any of it until I got motivation last night around 9:30 PM. I give myself credit for going at it before 10:30 because come on. That is the normal bedtime and you know how the motivation hits as late as possible.

It's silly, really, how we do this. Our "guest room" has had the bed and dressers in it ready to go for people to stop by anytime, and we have had it used numerous times. Point is, it works. It does the job it is meant to do. But there was just other...stuff... that we were storing in there too. A treadmill that never gets used, my grandma's paintings that are super valuable (to me) but too big to put up in our little house, boxes of storage, all of our gift wrapping stuff, more exercise equipment. Really, it was bursting at the seams.

I have decided to sell the treadmill since I've used it maybe 5 times since getting it. It's too big and bulky and doesn't work the way I want (although it does work just fine). Mainly we just don't have room for it. Since we took it out? The room looks so much more comfortable. We also moved the bed and dressers around to maximize the floor space and leave room to get all around the bed (what a luxury!). There is even a chest that fits at the end of the bed to store our guests' luggage. Fancy pancy. Luggage storage AND a private bathroom next door? This is better than a hotel, right?

We got done before 11:00. I'd call that a win. But the best part is that I woke up motivated to keep going. I made a list last night and didn't do a thing on it this morning, but I did manage to get the rest of the place picked up (conveniently not items on the list) so that there is way less pressure to get those list items done.

I love lists and I love crossing off those pesty items, but I really hate doing them. Lucky for me, the lack of pressure that is in place now is leaving me almost...excited... to get them done. We have a lunch date and then nothing until 7:00 tonight. Our house has never looked so good! 

And just in case our guests read this...don't feel guilty. I love me some motivation and our house needed it!

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1 comment:

  1. Your house was so comfortable, convenient and attractive.  Really, you guys are so blessed!
