
Parent fail

Today I had to swipe my finger through Jo's mouth to get the dog food out while holding back the urge to be sick myself. She was so pleased with herself for successfully getting it, and did not seem in the least discouraged from it by it's taste.

I think she and Buckley need some time apart to find out who is the person and who is the dog. Clearly, thing are a bit muddy in this area.

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  1. Meghan Gibson4/12/2012

    With 3 pugs, there is 3x the likelihood that there will be some dog food taste testing in our house too. We have 2 things for us though, 1- we keep the dogs' food in a container, in the pantry and 2- those fat pugs scarf up their food so fast, I don't think they even taste it! Ryan will tease me by offering a piece to A and even the thought of it makes me gag. I wouldn't say its a parent fail...maybe just an "experience". I have a cousin who used to think she was a cat and would literally EAT her family cat's food, right out of the bowl. My aunt never did anything about it. That is a parent fail. Weird!

  2. Laurie4/12/2012

    that is too funny. . .it can't be all bad, and we know so many little ones who try it and survive.
