
Photo shoot (we do these a lot)

Aunt-proclaimed bonding time.

Ok let's smile for the picture!

Um... Josie? Over here!

Ok good job. Wait. Who's that?? 

Oh well she's fun! Let's make me throw up...ready, go!

Oh man fun times. Did you see that mom?

This block is so good
Aunt: She likes the block more than me.

No explanation for this one...

Mom,why are you laughing? I don't get it. We're just sitting here.

Success! It only took 200 20 tries.

I need a moment to take it all in. Too much fun, too much fun...

I'm sure there will be many more bonding moments to come!


  1. did you photo shop my face to look fabulous? :P

  2. Anonymous1/09/2012

    Priceless, what faces, and yes, it was worth 200 for that one special one at the end. She's getting so big - busting out of that onesie. .and is it the blocks we gave her that she's playing with. Her face is so animated. . .just love it.

  3. Anonymous1/09/2012

    And another thing - I love the comments, the running narrative. Visually, you capture her wiggling little body that always wants to move. And yes, lara looks good enough to be photo shopped. On second look, the onesie looks bigger, but she stretches it with each move.

  4. Gave you a blog award @ www.emilyjonathan.blogspot.com
