
Josie's 6 month appointment

Last week, we were supposed to meet the doctor at 8:30 AM. We missed it. I called within a half hour to apologize and set up a new appointment and it all seemed fine. Then we got a nasty letter saying that we better not do it again or we will get the boot. I would also like to point out that the letter was just a preprinted letter where they crossed out parts to personalize it. With pen. Classy...

That being said, I really like my doctor, I mean Josie's doctor. He's great. The nurse is great too. It's such a relief to have good health service. I was so tired of all of it before we switched to this independent practice.

Josie is now 27 inches long which puts her in the 90th percentile.
She is 17 lbs 10 1/2 oz which puts her in the 75th percentile.
Her head is 17 1/4 inches which is also in the 75th percentile.

Long and lean like her dad! You can't tell by looking at her though. She is so roly poly I just can't get enough. Those big cheeks just crack me up. Don't hate me when you are older, girly, it's just too cute!

She did ok with the shots, but I'm glad to know that from this point on there will be less shots therefore less crying and pain later and sleepless nights. (I know there will still be sleepless nights, just not for this exact reason).

We also get to start using a sippy cup (any thoughts on what she should be drinking? I'm not a fan of juice this early) and giving her the option of feeding herself (again what kinds of food should we put in front of her? mashed bananas doesn't seem to be the best choice).

She's growing up too fast.


  1. Anonymous1/11/2012

    What a priceless blog, loved the itemized list about you, LOVED some of those Josie shots - looking right at Grandma and smiling, and yes so roly poly, so adorable. I didn't realize you had a perm and dye job that caused problems - lucky you have such gorgeous hair.

  2. Anonymous1/11/2012

    Do you think Josie would drink formula from the sippy cup? At least it would taste familiar to her. I don't like the juice idea either. As for feeding herself, do cheerios require teeth? Otherwise those and the yogurt puffs, maybe peas. . .and I love those big blue eyes too. Amazing:)
