
This is a joke, right?

I was in Walmart, and I picked up the diet coke 24 pack, and it leaked all over me. All. over. me. 

So this time, I was in the store still, meaning I didn't have to take it home and try to salvage it. In fact, I don't actually think I did anything to make these cans freak out. My concern is that this has happened to me twice in less than 4 months. What the heck?? I've never heard of anyone else that has exploding pop cans let alone on a regular basis.

The good news is that the rest of my day was fabulous, and no amount of diet coke explosions could bring me down.


  1. That's so weird! And what a pain too, because pop is so sticky . . .

  2. Anonymous11/07/2011

    So did you get a new case? Paul's Diet Mountain Lightening fell out of the case in the parking lot, rolling all over. I thought of you as I dashed around picking up the cans. However nothing exploded

  3. Lara Lekang3/07/2012

    luckly diet pop isn't sticky, it's my favorite response when ppl say that :D and i laughed at you when i read that. i'm not mean, i'm you sister.
