
Bassinet dilemma

I cannot figure out if we need a bassinet or not.

When looking for a bassinet, I've noticed that a decent one costs anywhere from $80-$200. I cannot justify spending that much money on something that will only be used for 2 months...

But then I think of how often I'll have to wake up to feed her, and how convenient it will be to just role over and pick her up. On the other hand, her bedroom is literally 10 steps away. It wouldn't be much different than me getting up to go to the bathroom every couple of hours like I have been doing already.

I found one that I like:

Its from Ebay and its actually quite cheap ($45 with shipping). So what do you think? Do I need it? I know its cute and would definitely look great in our room, but can I get by without it? Is this something I will not regret skipping if we don't get one? So many questions...
My friend Jen pointed out that it won't rock. So there is another question. Is it important that it rocks? Will Josie really notice the difference if she never experiences a "rocking bed" to begin with?
Lets hear some feedback please. I'm feeling lost here!

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth Blatchford5/15/2011

    Well as I'm not in your position you'll have to take this with a grain of salt. I doubt you would use it more than a month or two at the most. So I wouldn't get it when her room is that close. Also, from the various articles that I have read they say that if you are always rocking etc them to sleep then they come to rely on it to fall asleep. Which is alright for when they are tiny, but as they start sleeping through the night it's going to get harder and harder. However, they don't say anything in those articles about if the baby has colic, where movement helps. But the good news is that if Josie does have colic you have one mother (mom) who went through it, plus many family members close by to take her from time to time to let you get some sleep.
