
Room update

So I need you to know that this room is nowhere near done... I just thought that I would put up some pictures of our progress thus far. Its getting close, just some rearranging and a couple more purchases of necessary items are needed before we are ready to welcome a baby.

Tree decal minus the birds that we'll put up once the room is mostly done


Changing table, with a bunch of junk "hidden" beneath the cushion on top ;)

Mike's riding horse from when he was young

Tea set from Mike's mom. Not sure where these will be but they are cute!


  1. Anonymous4/07/2011

    I always thought bassinets were a waste of time, space and money. Use the play pen, or even a car seat if you want her nearbye. These precious babies sleep anywhere cuz that's what they need to grow. As you said, for 2 months, it's not worth it. Plus I don't think the rocking makes a difference, many many babies have grown up pretty normal without the rocking bassinets:)

  2. I love the tree! It's so cute!
