How far along: 25 weeks
How big is baby: About 1 1/2 lbs and about 13 1/2 inches long (rutabaga)
Weight gain/loss: Not sure, don't want to know
Maternity clothes: Pretty much all the time
Stretch marks: No new ones, thankfully
Sleep: Much better the last two weeks! In fact, hardly any dreams and none that made me wake up in a panic. So thankful for this! I am able to get comfortable and don't feel exhausted all day. Hallelujah.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: I've been eating less junk, but still probably too much junk. Coffee is my very best friend (I think I say that every week...?)
Exercise: I've been walking a little more, stretching a little more, and just today I bought a BodyPump dvd that I am super excited about. Hopefully, it will be here within a week and I'll try to ease into it without burning out on it. BodyPump was my favorite when I had a membership at the Y and I know other pregnant women do it all the way up until baby comes. Cannot wait!
Gender: Girl!
Movement: Very often, almost every hour or two. A few times, I've paused and thought, "I haven't felt her all day is everything ok!!" and of course within a minute or two I get a little kick or jab. She's great already, considering my feelings like that.
The belly: Very round, feeling large
What I'm loving: Well, the obvious. The weather is amazing. This Fall has been amazing. I feel like a broken record but I can't stop myself from oohing and ahhing over it and generally just enjoying it. We aren't outside all day every day, but it is pretty fantastic when we are.
What I miss: No double chin, no back pain, but otherwise, things are good. Yay 2nd trimester glory days.
What I miss: No double chin, no back pain, but otherwise, things are good. Yay 2nd trimester glory days.
Symptoms: Lower back pain, always thirsty...looking very obviously pregnant
The nursery: Ideas are swirling in my head but none have come into fruition yet. Hopefully soon.
What's different/the same this time: Right now, it all seems very similar. Similar back pain, similar eating habits... yada yada yada
Best moment of the week: Nothing specific, but all the baby kicks have been so wonderful.
Last appointment details: Nothing new, no appointment for 3 more weeks.
So glad the dreams are done, so glad that you look and feel so good that sometimes I forget you are pregnant:)