
Whoo whee a random update!

Its been a while since I've done a random update post.  Time to share some thoughts and happenings. 

Lovely little AJ is having a birthday in the next three weeks. Whoops! That sure snuck right up. We do small family birthday parties for the nonmajor birthdays. That means I'm not necessarily stressing out...except for the part that we should probably get her a gift or something! I mean, I can handle food and cake and drinks and whatnot, but ahh! A gift! So on one hand, I really want to be intentional and get her something that can be used as an educational tool that also isn't bright pink (or light pink for that matter) or violet or other girly colors. On the other hand, she loves babies and all things babies. There are cheap baby accessories that are all bright pink, but they require no thought and did I say cheap? What to do, what to do... #firstworldproblems

And Christmas lists! I'm on top of that this year. The girls' list is pretty much complete, I know what hubby is getting (gasp! I know!), and well...that's a good start for now. Oh! And for once my list actually has a few items on it instead of just throwing out the usual scarves, mittens, music, etc. I'm so proud of myself.

Let's not even talk about Christmas, though, because once I start, it'll be hard to stop. I just.love.it.

Still loving (looooooving) pumpkin/cinnamon/cream coffee every morning. But seriously, who limits a pregnant lady's intake? The day will come when I won't be limited anymore, and then I'm sure I'll overdose and drive everyone crazy. But I still look forward to it.

Anybody else busy watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix? I'm on season 4. For real. It's embarrassing but I own up to it because it's just such a sweet wonderful show. I so hope and pray that I can be close with my daughters when I am older even though life circumstances are oh so different with us. You know, because I'm not single, wasn't 16 when I had them, and have kind, sweet parents. It can still happen, right?

My back pain is letting up! Just like with A dizzle, right around 27 weeks (I'm 26w1d) it lets up and I can resume normal activity. Well, semi-normal. I mean I do still have an enormous belly that is just hanging out in the way all the time so I can't do a lot of things, but I can move around without grimacing for more than an hour at a time. I like it.

Hubby started working on the fence and has it done enough that we can actually use our backyard (re: river) to it's entirety. It's amazing. Except for this. What in the world do we do back there? We aren't going to get a super expensive swingset and the girls are pretty young for real sports. We have a few balls, bats, and hula hoops. The idea is to move around, not just sit in the sandbox (which is what we have been doing up until now) so HELP! What do your kids do outside?

More pictures...

Those girls are just something, huh. Their personalities are just killing me lately. Audrey's talking is hilarious, and Josie is like my little bff half the time and the terrible three year old that took over my daughter's body the other half. I'm having a hard time getting my mind around the fact that there will be another lovely little lady running around here in no time.

Happy Halloween week! Hopefully I'll have sufficient photos of the girls alllll done up. Sugar high and all.

1 comment:

  1. What incredible pictures, Audrey still looks like a baby, but some pictures I don't even see the AJ that I know! And Josie's pictures - what personality, what joy and glee. Thanks!
