
the Start of Summer

The kids and I spent Memorial Day Weekend at the lake with Grammy and Papa. (Hubby went to the farm to help with cattle, a task easier to do without a bunch of kids under foot.) The weather was absolutely perfect and we took full advantage. After a brutal winter, we all couldn't get enough of the outdoors. To top it off, everything was just turning green or starting to bud, so it felt like there was something "new" to see and explore at every corner. The minute we got there, the kids jumped out and got to work playing. No matter that it was practically bedtime, there was so much to do! So we let them. 

The next day, we headed out to a nearby state park and walked on one of the trails. There were chipmunks a plenty and just enough breeze to keep us from complaining about the heat (the nerve!).  We stopped on the way back and had a picnic before heading into town to devour some ice cream cones.



I was trying to get a picture of a chipmunk off to the side of this log and when I focused in (zoomed in a bunch) on this face, I literally jumped back. Thankfully, it wasn't that close for real!

On Sunday, we went back to town to go to church, and then continued on with all.the.playing. Church dresses and all.

The rest of the weekend looked pretty much the same. We did eat out at Zorbaz one night, and we stopped (as always) to visit my grandma who wasn't feeling good enough to join us at the lake this time around.

The real show stopper was when we got home. Look what surprised us as we turned the corner!

We looked at this house last year around this time, maybe a few weeks later, and this tree was not this lit up. It looks absolutely amazing in person. Of course, the flowers are already fading to white and falling off, but we feel like it was a special gift to us to discover this 9 months into living in this home. And we were just talking about how we needed curb appeal...

Summer is here! We are ever so glad. You can expect pictures of us frolicking in the sun. :)

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