
Weather = 3, Sarah = 0

When it's even remotely nice out, you will find us bundling up to get outside. The weather has been unpredictable and it seems that I've lost my ability to prepare for it. 

One day, we headed to the park with coats, hats, and boots. We got there and realized that we didn't have any gloves or mittens. I told myself that we would play for a while and then head home, earlier than I had originally planned. Remember that kids don't feel the cold. They just see the fun. They are not very responsible... As we stayed there, though, I realized that it was a lot colder than it had seemed when we were at home. So the lfb got to wear my gloves (so lovely with his camo boots), Audrey had mittens of her own (do I get points for one out of three kids?) and Josie got to wrap her hands in a blanket on the way home. Parenting win.

Another day, while the lfb was at school, I decided to bring the girls on a long walk, opposed to the usual "around the block" walk that only takes about fifteen minutes. We bundled up. It was intense. Gloves, mittens, scarves, boots, hats, coats, sweatshirts under coats, even a blanket. After going only a block, we had stripped almost all of it off because even sitting perfectly still in the stroller, the girls were hot. March weather continues to be a mystery to me.

Yesterday, we went back to the park (I have a feeling many a story will take place in this park since it's so close to our home). Surrounding the playground equipment is what appears to be a pond. Don't be fooled though, it's just an overflow of melted snow. We all had rainboots on so we walked right through it to get to the raised playground. The big kids couldn't believe how much fun it was to walk through all of that water. It was at least six inches in a few spots, so they went nuts. Seeing that they had those lovely boots on and we were only a block from home, I let them have at it. I mean, the joy on their faces! So much water.

I was assisting Audrey on the steps and slide (when did she get so big?? She only needs me a little bit here and there. Cue the tears.). I looked back over at Josie to see her dipping her gloves right in the water. Nooo! It wasn't warm. It just wasn't frozen. After a stern conversation about not freezing to death, she resumed. I told myself that we'd have to go home a little earlier so she wouldn't get too cold.

Then she fell, one knee completely in the water. Guess we'll go home even earlier. I tried to get as much of the excess water off of her gloves and pants, and she continued on, not letting a little freezing water deter her.

Less than two minutes later, she fell down again. This time, she soaked everything. I think I saw it happen in slow motion. The girl was soaked. I guess we're leaving now. We ran to the stroller, loaded up, threw the blanket over the freezing cold Josie, and walked as fast as one can walk pushing a double stroller home.

Our lfb was devastated to leave, but I assured him we'd continue playing outside after Josie changed clothes.

And that is exactly what we did. She warmed up immediately and we played outside until hubby got home. It was so great. Our plain old driveway with a train attached to a string and our umbrella stroller was enough to keep that grinning from ear to ear.

Anticipation for the nicer weather is raging over here.

I have a "Josie says" post in the making and it's a bit of a doozy. Stay tuned, friends!

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