
Josie says

She says a lot of funny things, but I've been terrible at writing them down. Here are a few from the past couple of weeks.

Josie, walking up to the lfb while addressing Audrey over her shoulder: "I'll ask {him}, Audrey." 
To the lfb, who had been playing quietly by himself: "Are you happy? Say: I am! You're married to me now! Come on, we got married." Then she took his hand and dragged him down the hallway, his face showing his lack of excitement the whole way. I have a feeling that marriage is doomed.

After a man came to buy a few chairs we had sold via craigslist, Josie was very concerned.
Josie: Where did our chairs go??
Me: That man bought them from us so he's going to take them to his house.
Josie, after thinking quietly for a while: Can we move it back in here? Now we won't have ANYTHING left...
She continued to ask us if we could put a chair over there (the entryway) and if we could have those chairs back, no matter how many times I showed her that we already had a new chair for the old chair's spot. She was very concerned...

While driving one day.
Me: Josie, how high can you count?
Josie: Um, no thank you... What?? Now, she has manners?
Me: Oh...ok, you don't want to count?
Josie: No, I'm learning about the road.
Me: Well, I can help you..? One...
Josie very loudly to speak over me: Road road road! Snow snow snow, road road road!
I'm not nearly entertaining enough.

She's figured out that all injuries feel better if they get kissed. After hurting her finger one day, auntie was determined to make her feel better.
Auntie Lara: Josie, can I kiss your finger?
Josie, speaking mournfully: Yeah... can you just take it off?

Generally speaking, she doesn't have too many words or phrases that she just can't figure out, but we've had a few lately that have had us in stitches (behind our hands of course, so that she wouldn't see us holding back the laughter).

We have a book called "Commotion in the Ocean." She calls it "Da - Ka-ma-shun in Ocean" no matter how many times we say it slowly.

We go to a small group once a week called "Missional Community." She is usually pretty excited when she's mentioning it, so it comes out like "Mishadee amudadity!!"

One of the bible songs she's picked up is Fisher's of Men. All day long, you will hear her saying "Bisherament! Bisherament, Bisherament!" Even when I pointed out that the song is about fishing (no, I realize what the point of the song is...), she nodded enthusiastically and repeated "bisherament! Follow me, bisherament!"

Later today, I'll be posting the very first Audrey Says post. Aren't you excited??

1 comment:

  1. so funny, so cute, didn't know she got attached to the chairs like that, didn't know that she understood weddings, wait until she goes to some this summer!
