
A welcome shift

Well good morning!

Was that annoying? Sorry. It's just so wonderful to have temps above 30. I'm pretty sure we were all but skipping around yesterday, so happy to just be alive enjoying the warmth. It's so relative, isn't it? 30 degrees is not warm by any means but in comparison to our long dreadful winter, it just feels heavenly.

I'm dreaming of gardening right now. Dreaming is putting it lightly, though. Obsessing, that's more like it. Hubby and I have been tiptoeing around the idea of a small greenhouse and I have planted most of the indoor starter plants that now reside right next to my side of the bed (where they can get the best light away from little baby hands). 

I'm also dreaming of muddy hands and boots stomping around outside. who would have thought that I would dream of that? But I long for the days when we can run outside with just a sweatshirt or t-shirt, playing for hours without chapped cheeks and snotty noses. It's coming! I can feel it.

Saying that, of course, I feel I need to acknowledge that I know that winter is not entirely over. I'm sure we'll get more snow, but at least it won't be built up on top of the rest of winter's snow! It's melting away.

Spring is coming. 

On another note, the kids have been so great lately, playing together, independently, telling me stories, making me laugh. It's just been fun to be around them. This shift came at the perfect time (Thank you Jesus) because I was feeling low. And now I'm not. 

It's a relief.

How was your weekend?


  1. It's proven so true - God gives us the lows to truly appreciate, rejoice and glory in His goodness. What a gift weather can be.

  2. Kendra Dahl3/13/2014

    I was thinking about this - how we appreciate spring so much more than people who don't really have winter. I'll take the grace where I can. :)
