
Josie says

"I'm just hanging out with Audrey listening to music. I'm her man."

I guess role playing has begun.

We play a game where I say that I'm hungry and pretend to eat her finger. The other day, she came up to me and said, "I'm hungry for your finger in here!" It took me a moment to realize what she was referencing and that she didn't actually have a strong craving for human fingers.

"I want a bread of peace. I want a bread of peace!"
I think you mean a piece of bread. :)

Her new word of exclamation is "Aff!" All.day.long. For no reason. Everyone looks at her like, "What...are you saying?" I have no idea where it came from.

She is still rocking the add ons to words typically ending in -ing. Most common are "What are you doin'in?" and "Where are we goin'in?" A few dozen times an hour. One day I tried to get her to repeat me.

Me: Josie, what are we doING?
Josie: What are we doin'in?
Me; Can you say doING?
Josie: doin'IN
Cue her looking at me with a pleased smile. She's saying it perfectly in her mind.


  1. absolutely adorable, so cute. . .what a great capsule of time!

  2. I don't know what you're sayin'in ... they're the SAME! That's what I'M thinkin'in anyway!

  3. wonderful, perfect pictures, love watching the cousins together:)

  4. Impressive photos! I need to learn your magic!

  5. I think all the grandkids have the same chin and eyes!
