
Bedtime, there is no love for you

Bedtime has kicked our bottoms (that's what we call them around here) lately. Like I'm sitting here eating watermelon by the pound while both girls scream in their room because one wants water and one won't lay down and keep that pacifier in her *!@!* mouth. At some point, there's nothing more I could possibly do so here I sit. Listening to them both, oh wait now it's just one, scream her face off for nothing

Most nights, we start the bedtime routine around 7:00. Tonight was an exception because we had some "need daddy with" shopping to do so we didn't get in bed til 9:00. Regardless, each night is about a three hour ordeal with time outs, stuffed animals taken away, potty breaks, scoldings, mean mommies, mean daddies, stern faces, and crabbiness all around.

Like I said, it's kicking our bottoms.

Prayers? Thanks.

The good old days, when this actually happened.



But seriously, we make some cute babies.

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1 comment:

  1. How frustrating for you, now I remember mom putting the "little ones" to bed first so they would be asleep & undisturbed when the older ones came to bed. I wonder if earlier darkness would help, but it seems doubtful. As for the pacifier, since she so seldom keeps it in her mouth, it makes me wonder if it's necessary, but of course then she would be free to cry constantly. . .they are His blessings:)
