
Post vacation blues

We went to Florida last week, and I want to blog about it, but for now I just need to write this down. 

Adjusting from vacation is not fun. Josie stayed with her grandparents and Audrey came with us. Both of them have had to adapt to the changes in their own ways. Josie is testing the limits, seeing if we as her parents are the same as when we left (we are, so I wish she'd just stop!). Audrey is recovering from strange schedules and sleeping in our arms (airport, out in public, etc). 

Yesterday was sort of the calm before the storm. Josie was so happy to be back at home so she wasn't too bad, but then she didn't take a great nap and the rest of the day was a struggle. Audrey is like a different baby. She's crabby all.the.time and is sleeping (or needing to sleep even though she fights it) constantly. I so hope that she sleeps herself out of this mood and wakes up her sweet happy self!

For now, I'm just trying to get through this day. My to-do list is ridiculously long and I can't do any of it when either or both of the girls are awake. That leaves... 20 minutes (during nap time if they happen to sleep at the same time for even a little while) to run around frantically like a chicken with its head cut off. 


One time-out down, countless more to go, I'm sure. 

I'm telling myself over and over to find the little things, the sweet moments throughout the day and enjoy them as much as I can because I'll never get these days back. For the most part, I am doing this, but while I'm right in the the thick of it, that feels so hard

Happy Friday!

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1 comment:

  1. I was wondering where you disappeared to - I was going to send you an email today. Hope you guys are able to adjust back to "normal" life this weekend. And let's just be honest, vacations are not the same when you have kids. I'm glad you guys got to get away - hope the Florida sunshine was warm and bright!
