
Things to Remember

I went back through my blog posts I wrote when Josie was the age Audrey is now and was disappointed with the lack of detail I had. To avoid this, I'm just going to list a bunch of things here. I'm all about the random lists these days (to match my random thoughts I guess).

1. Audrey sleeps amazing. We thought that Josie was a good sleeper but in comparison she was terrible. Okay she wasn't terrible at all, but Audrey is a champ. She goes to bed for real at around 11:00 and doesn't get up until 5:30. I feed her a tiny bit, never a full meal, and she sleeps until 8:30 or when I wake her up. She does eat more in the morning to make up for it, but then will take a great 3 hour nap in the morning, have some wake time in the afternoon, and naps again for most of the rest of the day. 

2. Audrey is super hard to wake up. I can spend up to an hour trying to wake her and it does nothing. I give up trying to wake her to feed her! She has set her own schedule and there's nothing I can do about it. My body will just have to adjust to it, even though it is fighting to produce more milk than necessary and at the wrong times. Eventually I know it will get better.

3. She's almost three weeks old and still fitting in newborn clothing. Josie didn't ever really fit in newborn clothes so it's a little strange for me to see all of the 0-3 month clothes waiting to be worn and ignore them for now. She's so small to us.

4. She hardly ever cries. At bath time, she wakes up, looks around, makes a few small peeps, and goes with the flow. She really only loses it when I can't get there right away. Otherwise, she just makes a few "warning peeps" that she's awake and hungry and if I'm able to get there within 5 minutes (which is most of the time) she never cries at all.

5. Audrey has a bit of digestion issues. I can tell she's gassy based on her movements. She squirms a lot and grunts while sleeping, so I bought PediaCare Gas Relief drops and it seems to be helping. This being said, she never spits up. In fact, the one time she has, we both were surprised by it and I didn't even remember what to do! She had this look on her face like "what was that?!" and hasn't done it since. I'm sure this will change, but it has caught me off guard. 

6. She has had some terrible baby acne (way more than Josie did). It started on her forehead and moved it's way down her whole face. It's clearing up a bunch, but she looks so splotchy right now. It comes out a lot more when the flash goes off in pictures and in the natural sunlight, but otherwise you hardly notice it. She's still super cute. :)

7. She can be held constantly (loves to cuddle) or set down for long periods of time and doesn't fuss about it. Amazing. Enough said.

8. She's such a blessing to us. She's used to her sister screaming and doesn't even react when there is chaos around her. Josie likes to look at her and sometimes will give her kisses. I can't wait to watch their relationship grow.

9. At her two week appointment, we learned that she hasn't grown in length much but now weights 8 lbs 15 oz (was 8 lb 6 oz at birth). You can definitely tell by looking at her that she has grown a lot! No more squishy face and she doesn't look like a fragile newborn. 

10. Girlfriend has long skinny feet. They are just like her daddy's and look so different than mine and Jo's. I could just stare at her hands and feet all day... so sweet.

That's enough for now. I'll probably do another post like this with more details later.

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1 comment:

  1. so precious, so perfect, in our eyes and in God's eyes. . even she may appreciate reading this blog posting when she's older:)
