
Little bits of Fun

We get creative around here when we are bored... Josie has fallen in love with hair accessories. She often comes up to me with a clip and says "haya? haya?" (hair) so I put it in her hair and she marches back to her room. Usually she goes back and forth a couple of times before finding something new to play with, but sometimes she just doesn't stop. See below.

I have wrapped a few presents around here. Just a few. I still have at least half left... but doesn't the tree look so much better when it's not so bare down there??

And last but not least: my aunt out in Portland sent us a gift for Audrey's birth and she always has quite the display.

For Audrey:

Here's everything she got. Adorable matching outfit with some fancy pancy socks.

BUT THEN there was this hidden layer underneath. Oh man - big sis Josie was not forgotten!

We haven't shown it to her yet, because we're waiting for the moment when she's bored and being mischievous, but I know she will love it. How do I know? Because you can't put a farm themed toy in front of her without her going bonkers. Yep, bonkers. 

Thank you Aunt Laurel!! You are always generous and we feel the love. :)

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  1. what great gifts and pix narrative!

  2. the sunglasses are awesome!

  3. Natalie12/12/2012

    Wow Aunt Laurel really hooked the little gals up!
