
Catch Up

It's too much to have a thought out well written post, so here's my brain dump.

1. So far parenting two has been both awesome and terrifying. I have managed to juggle them both outside of the house, but haven't ventured out to any real places that doesn't include assistance from grandparents, auntie or hubby.

2. Audrey's blessed me with great sleeping habits at night so far. She only wakes once around 5-6:30 and then goes back to sleep until 8:30 or so. It's awesome but I'm not getting too comfortable with it because I know how quickly sleeping patterns can change!

3. This week I am giving lessons again after a two week break. I'm only doing it this week and next before having our holiday break, but it's crazy how much having to bring the girls over to grandma's a couple of days a week makes me feel so busy and scatter brained. It'll definitely take a while to get used to a normal schedule again. 

4. When bringing the girls to grandma's, Audrey's been awesome. She has slept the whole time and I was able to feed her enough that she doesn't wake up hungry without her food source. I hope that is the norm.

5. I have no idea when to shower. I suppose the answer would be at night after they are sleeping, but I have no motivation to get up and do it after I sit down in the evening. 

6. I did Pilates during their nap time the other day and remembered why I loved it when pregnant. Hopefully I can do it a couple of times a week. It's just hard to remember that awesome "after" feeling before starting...

7. Today during nap time, I tried to wrap presents. I got two done before hearing both girls awake on the monitor. That's not much progress. I hope to have them all wrapped by Christmas...?

8. People from our church have been bringing us meals every other day to help out (which is so awesome by the way) and it has given me some new ideas for meals. So not only have they been super helpful with the meals in general, they've been providing me with some fresh ideas in the kitchen. Can't beat that!

9. I fit into my "fat" jeans that aren't maternity. In fact, they are a little loose and I need a belt (that I don't have... my belts don't fit yet unfortunately). I even got into the size smaller that was a little too tight when I got pregnant. They are still super tight, but hey - I got them zipped. That's a victory! I still have a lot of baby weight to lose and then some, but I love the motivation I get from the little things like that.

10. I haven't cut my hair in 9 months. It's getting ridiculously long. I need a trim and am debating getting bangs, but then I remember all of the work it takes to keep them looking good. Thoughts?

Pictures of the last couple of days:

She thinks she's so funny sitting in Audrey's bassinet.

This girl is so hard to photograph accurately. I swear most of the time she's not making weird bug-eyed faces but the light from the camera must make her react... most pictures make me laugh! She's so cute... wish the pictures did her true justice!

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  1. Glad hear you are surviving! Josie looks so old now next to that cute bitty baby! And Avery had that I Love Daddy shirt too. You are doing a great job!

  2. Lol, I like your brain dumps.  It kind of covers most things going on, kind of an overview.
    I usually take Dean in to the bathroom with me when I shower.  I used to put him in his car seat, but now that he wiggles more I lay him on the mat.  This started for 2 reasons: convenience and give him some moist air to help with the stuffy nose that didn't seem to go away for a few months.
