
Lazy Day

It's misty and chilly out. My hips hurt a little, and we don't actually have much to do today, so it's a pretty relaxed day over here. The Christmas music is playing (best.Pandora.station.ever) and Josie's down for her morning nap. 

We're back to two naps now that the time change has happened and she's waking up at 7 every day. I'm okay with it.

We'll probably do some leisure shopping later and maybe make some breakfast muffins. Aren't days like this the best?

Sorry, hubby, that you do not get to join us. You always have a million little things to do, and that's okay too.  At least you are not working in this misty gross weather.

Happy Saturday everyone! Hope you are able to enjoy the quiet before the holidays are upon us in full swing.

Every post needs a good picture

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1 comment:

  1. what an adorable little pose, was this recent?  Love the hairstyle and love that you are able to take it easy.!
