
Halloween Take Two

The real Halloween celebration followed the yearly tradition of eating out during prime time trick-or-treating hour. I don't mind handing out candy at our door, but it gets crazy for a while so we usually go eat and then come back once it slows down a little. 

Josie and her cousin, Dean, got all dressed up for dinner.

Debuting Josie's real costume...a Sailor Girl!

I love the hat. And the bow tie. Too cute. 

Her kid's meal came in this cardboard truck and that was way more fun than the food itself. Great idea!

Uncle Mike with his nephew Dean

Once we got home, we met up with my sister Auntie Lara to quickly give Jo her first trick or treating experience.

Here we go!

Not quite sure what to do with all of this delicious candy in front of her 

She did pretty good. She never said trick or treat (my fault, forgot to practice that one) but she smiled and held her bucket like a champ. She doesn't always talk a lot when thrown in a new situation, so we didn't get any thank you's or bye's either.

I wish you could tell I was nine months pregnant instead of just... awkward... in this picture! Ha. Jo had to wear her coat because it was so windy and cold, but thankfully you could still see her little sailor costume. The hat helped make it more clear what she was.

Auntie, the unofficial photographer, was so glad she got to come. We were too.

After the last house - it was so windy and freezing cold but girlfriend still had that big smile! Her face was just wet from tears and snot but she had a lot of fun.

Once we were home, Daddy had to check to see if there were any razors or needles in her candy. She was good, and he got a couple of treats too (don't tell her!).

Obligatory picture of Auntie being excited for her next niece. Remember this picture?

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  1. LOVE the sailor costume!!! Since I am obsessed with all thing nautical (don't ask me why) I love it even more! Looks like we had a similar evening...except I'm not 9 months pregnant - way to go for getting up and out! You look great! Next year will be even more fun and you will have 2! Better start thinking of their duo costumes now! hahaha! kidding! I'm sure that is the last thing on your mind! Stay strong, mama! 

  2. Great pictures and yes I remember the "Auntie excited for baby pose".  That sailor dress is so cute that you have to wear it when it's not a costume.  And yes, you don't even look 9 months pregnant in that picture, but I'm surprised any coat can go around you!  she looks so little and cute - and it's interesting that the "child menu's" are now worth it!

  3. Rachel and John11/01/2012

    Cute costume! Looks like you guys had fun!
