
Halloween Take One

Yesterday we got a chance to "practice Halloween" by going to an Autumn Festival. We had a costume bought because it was super cheap (generally for baby #2 next year) but figured why not let Jo wear two costumes this year? So we dressed her up and off we went. She didn't really nap that day so by 6:30 at night she was getting kind of cray-cray.

Look at this cute elephant. Can you stand it? Animal costumes are pretty much the best for toddler-esque girls (and boys too I'm sure).

Look at the tail! 

Group shot painting and carving pumpkins 

At one point, Jo bee-lined for one of the painted pumpkins and decided to give it a little taste. G-R-O-S-S. She was not impressed. Neither were her parents.

I personally did not decorate a pumpkin, but it was a fun night!

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  1. adorable and hilarious - eating the pumpkin! thanks for the update

  2. She may be the cutest little elephant I ever saw! Dumbo has nothin' on Josie! 

  3. Anonymous11/01/2012

    That costume is soooooo cute! Love the pics after she tasted the painted pumpkin...too funny!!
