
Audrey in Photos

I didn't seem to have any good pictures of Audrey close up, so I went a little crazy taking a bunch of pictures the last couple of days. Here's the photo dump.

The hospital had a photographer come in and take some newborn pictures that I could purchase if I wanted. I snapped a few myself instead.

Snuggling in the hospital waiting for the all clear to go home.

We spend a lot of time like this... she sleeps so long and so deep and I can't get enough.

Must be some dream to scowl like that!

All the strange faces a newborn makes...

When she is awake, which seems like hardly ever, she is AWAKE and stares for so long at different objects. Sometimes I just want to move her to make sure she's ok because she is so still for so long.

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1 comment:

  1. Some of the best pix are when she is laying in her bassinet - those poses are too cute.  Can't get over how her mouth is Josie's, and the hair is so dark!  What a lovey!
