
A minute.

Sure, last Wednesday, I had a little test drive of what my days would be like at home with two under two. It went great, but it wasn't real. I knew that Josie was going to Grandma's in the afternoon and that hubby would be home earlier to help me with packing to leave for the weekend.

Today is the true first day. I have the girls at home all week by myself. So far, so good, but I'm being cautious, waiting for meltdowns and moments when I just want to hide away from the chaos. I'm not naive; I know that things will get crazy at times and I'm waiting for the first episode of that.

So far today, I've gotten Josie fed, bathed both girls at the same time (miracle, I swear), got them both napping at the same time, showered myself, had some quiet time, and now have a few minutes for blogging. All this by 11:00? I'll take it.

There are so many things I could be doing right now, but I'm going to try to enjoy the quiet with my coffee that my hubby so graciously brought me since we are out of filters and can't make it at home. (Why does that always happen the day after grocery shopping?)

Christmas music playing, I think I'll put my feet up for a minute and enjoy the (relative) silence. Just for a minute.

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  1. Good for you, wondered how it would go.  Did Audrey cry in her bath and if so, is Josie getting used to it?

  2. Wow, go you! I know you say you don't have it all figured out yet, but it sounds like things are going so smoothly!  I need tips for when my turn comes, haha!
