
This man

This man has been getting the short end of the stick lately.

You see, I tend to get a little self-involved, especially when I'm nine months pregnant and starting to really feel sorry for myself. I start to think "who's caring this heavy load, not him!" too often. It's especially silly because I'm feeling great and have really enjoyed this pregnancy thus far. 

So I decided to change it. Life After I "Dew" is doing a 31 day challenge to show her husband that she appreciates and loves him more than she has before. Every single day I am inspired to do the same thing over here for my hubby and today was a great way to do it. 

Hubby slept in accidentally, so when I told him it was 7:15 (while still half asleep myself), his response was "Oh man I'm late. Can you make me a sandwich for lunch?" This request did not come out of the blue however. I've been telling him that I'd like to make his lunches and at least have food on hand for him to eat for lunch, but he gets up so early that this lazy mama kind of threw in the towel to that whole make-your-lunch idea.

When it's 7:15 and I know he's running late, I can't say no, right? So I rolled out of bed and found my way to the kitchen still half sleeping. I got the coffee brewing, made him some peanut butter bread, a sandwich, packed the Munchies chips he requested (made me feel like wife of the year when I forked over almost $5 for one bag) and an orange and had it all ready for him as he left the house. He was smiling from ear to ear because he wasn't expecting all of that, and we both started out this Friday on great note.

Easy? Yes. It's just one of the smaller things that I can do to show him how much we appreciate his super hard work that allows me to stay home with our kid(s). It's easy to be grumpy when he works late or isn't home for supper. It's easy to hold it against him when he has to work on the weekends and spend time in his office catching up instead of devoting all of his time to me. 

I find that I have to make a conscious effort to react positively, but it's always always always worth it. I'm always looking for little ways to make things easier and less stressful and so hope I can continue this for the rest of our (hopefully super ridiculously long) marriage.

I'm blessed. He's great.

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  1. Yes, God blessed you both, and yes we are the ones responsible for our own attitudes and yes, we are all so self-centered.  These were good words for me too.

  2. Way to go! I don't need a baby to make me self-centered and forget to show my husband how much I love him. Thanks for the reminder! We make our lunches the night before because we know we don't have the energy to do it in the morning -- maybe that could help make it a more consistent gift!

  3. EmilyBabiak10/22/2013

    Way to go! I don't need a baby to make me self-centered and forget to show my husband how much I love him. Thanks for the reminder! We make our lunches the night before because we know we don't have the energy to do it in the morning -- maybe that could help make it a more consistent gift!

  4. Yes, God blessed you both, and yes we are the ones responsible for our own attitudes and yes, we are all so self-centered.  These were good words for me too.
