
Baby #2 Update - 35 Weeks

How far along: 35 weeks

How big is baby: Coconut

Average size: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 lb.

Weight gain/loss: Only up a 1/2 lb this week but I think part of that is because I was up so much a couple of weeks ago and in reality that was mostly fluid. It all averages out anyways.

Maternity clothes: Mix and match with a few nonmaternity shirts and sweatpants

Stretch marks: No new ones!

Sleep: So.much.better. I'm sleeping almost through the night only getting up once to go to the bathroom. I find that I can nap on command without having to worry about getting comfy for 15 minutes which saves a lot of time. Usually I only need a 20 minute nap once a day to keep me going with a good amount of energy.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Ice water, chocolate, fruit

Exercise: I've gone on a few walks and done my stretches but have not been doing anything that resembles a true workout.

Gender: Girl!

Movement: All the time. She's moving and stretching and kicking and its fun to watch my stomach move along with her. Hubby hasn't got to feel the movement too much since she seems to always do it when he's not around or busy doing something else.

The belly: Big! But not too big to be uncomfortable yet. I've been told numerous times this week that I do NOT look like I'm having a baby in a month, but I feel like I definitely do! It's all about perspective I guess.

What I'm loving: I haven't had any more swelling and my back has felt pretty good. It was a good week for comfort.

What I miss: Caffeine, oh so much! 

Symptoms: The usual 3rd trimester stuff

The nursery: All set and ready just waiting. I still need to bring in the bassinet, wash the sheets, get the car seat cover down, and set up a few of the bigger things like the swing and bassinet basket we'll keep either upstairs in the living room or downstairs in the family room.

What's different/the same this time: I'm so much more comfortable and not as anxious at this point in the pregnancy

Best moment of the week: Josie has been mimicking mamas and spends a lot of her playtime mothering her baby. It is so sweet! I think she's going to be really excited to have a baby around (most of the time) and that thrills me. At one playdate, there was a baby just a couple of months old playing on a play mat. Jo stuck her face over the baby's and start making sounds and silly faces. She was only a couple of inches away but she was so gentle and didn't even touch the baby. It was too sweet!

Last appointment details: I just had an appointment to with my midwife, who I have never met. The first impression was not quite as warm and welcoming as my nurse/obgyn combo at the clinic, but generally I liked both the nurse and midwife enough that I won't be disappointed later on. My blood pressure was 138/52 (or something close to that) so the top number is still high, but she said since I can check it myself she trusts that I will call them if it gets extra high. Note to self: CHECK BLOOD PRESSURE DAILY...

Also, she said that because Josie was such a big baby, they don't necessarily want me to going over my due date at all to avoid this girl being huge. I told her I really really didn't want to be induced and would like to do it without any drugs, and she said we'll see how it goes and that she understands that. She advised me to sit on an exercise ball in the evenings to help open things up down there and to make sure I'm walking a lot and staying relatively active. I so wish that I had a jogging stroller here so I could go on longer walks during the day. Right now I only have the umbrella stroller and the double stroller and I feel ridiculous taking that, so I've been using the umbrella stroller. It's just not as comfy for Jo and easy to push for me.

The midwife told me that the main difference between her and the OBGYNs is that she does not do any cutting (ie C-sections) and they try not to intervene unless necessary (ie pitocen, epidurals). She also clarified for me (since I had heard different views on this) that there is a midwife there 24 hours a day and that the midwife on call will be with me for most of my time in labor. She said that she likes to be there the entire time I am pushing instead of waiting until the last 10 minutes. I was very relieved to hear that. 

Next appointment: I now start the weekly appointments although I did push them back a couple of days to avoid having 5 appointments instead of 4. She'll be checking me each week to see if there is progression and she said we'd see about stretching the cervix and doing other things like that to help things along without using drugs. I'm pretty happy with that!

If you want to see how much I've grown from last week, check out the Baby Girl page. I was planning on adding the picture of me pregnant with Jo at 35 weeks but apparently I skipped over a bunch of weeks and don't have another one until 38 weeks... silly me...

35 Weeks

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  1. Anonymous10/05/2012

    Ask mom to borrow her single jogging stroller

  2. truly s cute baby bump and yes you don't look like it's that close!  you better put me to work to finish off those last preparation things
    @l:disqus love!
