The end is near
I'm in the thick of it. From this spot, being 39 weeks pregnant, I feel every ache and pain. I feel all the built up frustrations and anxiety. I am irritated easily, way too easily, and am probably driving those around me crazy.
I find myself annoyed that I'm hitting every red light every time I drive somewhere that has a deadline. I'm annoyed that my daughter is teething pretty heavily right now so our last week together just her and I is tainted by her mood swings (and mine). I'm annoyed that my house is cluttered all of the time and some of the time it's not my fault. Sometimes it's because someone wants me to have something that I have to store. It's just overwhelming. I didn't ask for it. Overwhelmed. I find myself going over and over in my head what else needs to be done, can be done, should be done before our little baby girl gets here.
This time of waiting is so minute. I know this and have experienced it before, but it doesn't make it less real. Two weeks ago seems not so long ago, and one week ago is even less. Yet the idea of waiting a whole week more seems unbearable.
The funniest part? This pregnancy has been awesome. There have been little things here and there but I know just know that I will look back and say being pregnant was not so bad. This pregnancy was easy and great. Being in the thick of it, though, dealing with each struggle and muscle pain and irritation, it's hard to believe that truth.
We're ready for you baby girl! Come save us from ourselves (myself) before we drive each other crazy with the anticipation!
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Can't wait to read what you have to say!
Wish so much that I could help ease this time. . .weird thing is that I'm just about as crabby and irritable AND I'm not even pregnant! Let's blame it on the full moon. . .and list all the things we have to be thankful for.