
Funny faces of Jo plus an update on the little things

We've been pleasantly busy over here.

My back pain has all but left me. Woo hoo! Seriously though, the combination of chiropractic visits and the baby stretching out and moving around more has me feeling great and I didn't think I'd be feeling this good until after baby girl made her appearance. These next eight weeks may not be so bad afterall.

We moved Josie back to her crib. Each sleep session (nap/bedtime) got worse and worse until she wasn't even sleeping or staying near her bed let alone in it. I think the freedom was too much and she was a bit overwhelmed, because as soon as we put her back in her crib (now lowered to the lowest level) she slept great and didn't fight it even a little. She still sleeps (I say that lightly) in a toddler bed at Grandma's, but mostly that nap time is spent walking around and playing which is not great for her general mood during the rest of the day. Girl needs her sleep but just won't let herself fall asleep with that much freedom. I really hope that improves... its tough on all of us. But thankfully, she is able to catch up from her lack of sleep those days fairly well. 

I went through and "put away" Josie's summer clothes. I couldn't get it together enough to truly put it away, so it's all sitting in a laundry basket in her room with easy viewing and grabbing access in case I panic and need to revert to summer clothes. It's hard to put away all of these sweet sundresses knowing that they may not get worn by my kids again! Remember, baby girl #2 will be this age in the winter, so she will need appropriate clothing and sundresses is notquiteappropriate for winter in this frozen tundra.

I also took out all of Josie's 0-3 month clothes and figured out what we needed for baby girl #2 since not all of it is seasonally appropriate at this age either. Mostly we have a ton of short sleeved onesies and pj's. I'm fine with her wearing short sleeves in Nov/Dec/Jan as long as she also gets some pants but let me tell you. It's hard to find pants sold without the onesie with it! I started with Amazon.com and got nowhere, so I switched over to trusty Target and of course they had just what I needed. I'm planning on ordering at least 6 pairs of pants in various shades to match what we already have all for just around $23. Fabulous. Thank you, Target, for always being there for me. 

I pulled out the Fall decorations this last weekend and oh is my house grand right now. Everything that I pulled out was just candy to my eyes and once it was all up, I was eager to add more to it. I cruised around the local thrift store and was able to find a table cloth, a few hanging leaves (like the string of them?) and a few more decorative things to hang up. Question though: what else can I use to decorate besides pumpkins and leaves? It seems that's as creative as I can get. What else is there?

My pumpkin spice creamer is pretty wonderful. I'd change a few things since it's kind of weak in strength and more milky than anything, but it is great and I'm experimenting adding more of this and that to make it better. Oh, you don't care about my creamer experiments? Come on, what is more exciting than that?

Another little blog update, I added a signature to my posts down below. Like it?  I feel like it's kind of close to my true handwriting even. Gotta keep it real you know.

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  1. stephanie9/12/2012

    i love hearing about your iced coffee drinks, and how you make it. i recently found the starbucks recipe for their frapps; i was surprised to see they use brown and white sugar plus creamer, but no milk! i use milk, and no sugar. who-knows what is right...as long as it tastes good, right!?!

  2. Elizabeth9/13/2012

    First off I do like the signature.   And for other things to add to the fall decorating there is the "Harvest" theme you could add.  Scarecrows, miniature wheelbarrows and gardening tools, shocks of wheat (although Josie would probably dismantle these), Corn,  funny shaped gourds, bird houses, sunflowers.

  3. Jrieke159/13/2012

    Don't forget about pinterest....lots and lots of fall/Halloween decorating ideas!!!

  4. Love these cute faces! Your blog looks so fresh and lovely!!
