
Average day

Josie rocked the sleep last night. And the naps too. I got a solid two hour nap in the morning and another two and a half hour nap in the afternoon. Bed time? Slept from 8:30-7:45. Never happens. Mama feels well rested too, so there's that. All in all? Bring on the weekend! We're excited over here now that we aren't sleep deprived.

And also? I think I have the best daughter ever. Last night, while my bread was rising for the most amazing homemade pizza crust, we went to the park down the street. I let her explore and play more independently, now that she's a big girl and all, and she was just so fun. Climbing, swinging, playing in the sand. It was a good time.

Then we came home, I made pizza, she waited patiently (I know, right?) and we started to get ready for bed. We had a fun time then too, but nothing beats the moment when Daddy got home earlier than expected. The joy on that little girl's face? Priceless. She was so excited. He got her in her PJ's, hung out, and ate his supper. The whole time he was eating, she was on his lap giggling, talking, and genuinely being in her element. 

Then he had to leave again, just for a while, but she knew he was leaving. The girl was so sad! It was heart breaking. I know it made Daddy feel good, though, to see her miss him so much. We do miss him every single day when he is working. She has us wrapped around her finger, completely.

That, my friends, is a peek into the average day here. Average=awesome right?

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  1. Ashley8/09/2012

    yummy! that pizza looks amazing! :)

  2. That pizza looks soooooo good!! U should post how to make it or link the recipe...good job :)
