

Yesterday I spent the afternoon watching a friend's daughter who is just two weeks younger than Josie. They are so similar, yet so different. I was fascinated watching them explore the same things but react in completely different ways. 

I mentioned earlier that Josie had to experience "sharing" this weekend when we had people over for the Baby Shower. She was not a fan to say the least. This time around, though, it's like she just got it. She knew that she couldn't hold all of her toys, and she even seemed to know that she'd get to play with it in a little while. I'm not saying that we've overcome this battle by any means, but it was really interesting to see the change in just a few days. It didn't last the whole afternoon. As she got more tired, she got more crabby, and she got less willing to share. She started scowling (a sure sign of what is to come) and started grabbing, pulling, and pushing. It wasn't all that pretty.

What really got me was seeing her sin clear as day. She's only 13 months old, and she's already showing a sinful heart. Sure, the sin seems small in comparison to others, but isn't a sin a sin? There isn't one greater than another in God's eyes. It's most humbling to note that her sin is a reflection of my sin. She's learning from me. She has instincts, yes, but she is reflecting what she sees in me and others around her.

Just another reminder of how it is my job to go to God first before attempting this parenting thing each day. Who am I to do it alone? I would and do fail every single day. Thank God (literally) that He is just waiting for me to ask for his help.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad she was more sharing this time, but like you, I can't believe it can last, it's not human or baby nature. . .but she's learning a lot. . .and yes,having a sister and cousin is going go rock her world!
