
Uh oh...

It's already been one of those days.

I hesitate to even share this because, well, it's disgusting.

But I will... for the sake of humor and being honest. Equally important.

Josie has a rash on her bottom that just won't go completely away. Sure we get close at times, but then she has a fever from teething that leads to more acidic #2 and she always ends up with it getting worse rather than better.

In an effort to fight this, I've been letting her air it out in the mornings and it has really made a huge difference. So this morning, she was airing it out, playing away. I looked over and was horrified with what I saw.

She had gone #2 and was now playing in it and it was on her face. That can only mean one thing. I gagged too many times to count. I ran faster than a pregnant mama should run. I probably scared her more than she's ever been scared before. I did everything I could to clean up her hands and mouth area as fast as possible.

So gross.

I put her in her crib while I gagged cleaned up, and came back to her standing in her crib with a wet sheet below her. Really? You couldn't just wait the five minutes while I cleaned up mess numero uno? So I cleaned that up and let her play in the nude. I figured, you've already done both, why stop you now?

Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck.

I still love her though.

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1 comment:

  1. Now this post made me laugh out loud like you do to Kelly Ripa - and yes, it is still gross. ..live and learn, right!
