
Reading Corner

I don't want to forget this.

Every day, no matter what, the first thing Jo does when she gets up is head to the bookshelf (behind her in the pictures) to check out what is worth reading right away in the morning. Lately, after making her selection, she'll set it aside and eat breakfast when I insist, or immediately go to the this chair that she got from her grandma for her birthday to read in peace. It is the sweetest thing, and I need to remember it because I know it's a unique thing that just she does.

She's so happy, sitting in the sunlight, not dressed yet, enjoying the day. How can I not also just smile and enjoy it as well right along with her?

Sometimes I have the pleasure of her reading aloud to me. It may or may not be my favorite part of my day.

I hope she always loves to read.

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  1. I have to admit that as much as I love the pictures, I couldn't wait to read the commentary.  What a great story.  Sure wonder how many other little kids gravitate to books like she does

  2. Olivia7/17/2012

    So very cute!! Thanks for visiting Of Such is the Kingdom--I looked long and hard for those sailboats too! I ended up finding a set of small boats at the dollar store--three boats and one of them was a red sailboat. The other boats were pretty worthless (wouldn't really float) so even the kids gave up on them and we threw them away, but the little sailboats were perfect for the punch at our sailboat party. They've survived afterward as well.
    Happy sailboat partying!
